- 🚀 Out of the box
- 🍄 High scalability
- 🔆 High performance
- ..........(To be continued)
- jdk 1.8+
- ......
....(To be continued)
1.Annotate the mapping classes that the eaac needs to process
@StatementMapperClazz(appIds = {"app1", "app2"},invokerType = "http")
public class HelloSimpleApi implements SimplerApi {
@StatementMapperMethod(uri = "hh")
public void sayHey(String message) {
System.out.println("message = " + message);
@StatementMapperMethod(uri = "hh1")
public String sayHello(String user, String message) {
return user + ": " + message;
public User sayHello() {
User user = new User();
return user;
2.Use the eaac to call the api
EcConfiguration ecConfiguration = new EcConfiguration(new String[]{"http"},new String[]{"com.eaac"});
SimpleExecutor simpleExecutor = new SimpleExecutor(ecConfiguration);
Object exec = simpleExecutor.exec("http", "app1", "hh", "hello world");
scanPackage: "com.eaac"
supportType: "http"
1.Annotate the mapping classes that the eaac needs to process
@StatementMapperClazz(appIds = {"app1", "app2"},invokerType = "http")
public class HelloSimpleApi implements SimplerApi {
@StatementMapperMethod(uri = "hh")
public void sayHey(String message) {
System.out.println("message = " + message);
@StatementMapperMethod(uri = "hh1")
public String sayHello(String user, String message) {
return user + ": " + message;
public User sayHello() {
User user = new User();
return user;
2.Just DI Executor into the class to use
public class EaaCApplication {
private Executor executor;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(EaaCApplication.class, args);
public ApplicationRunner applicationRunner(){
return args -> {
simpleExecutor.exec("http", "app1", "hh", "hello world");