Backend service for handling request from the android app and the frontend web app.
You can choose to use this app via docker. To do so execute these commands:
cd Node-Backend
docker build ./ --tag backend:latest
docker run -it -p 4000:4000 -v $(pwd)/backend:/backend backend:latest
- NodeJS (runtime)
- MongoDB (database)
- NPM (package management)
MongoDB needs to be running in the background. Eventually, we'll provision a former mongodb instance on the VM. For now, just run mongo in another terminal.
Finally, for running the application itself.
npm install
Ubuntu and Linux use the Google DNS by default (8.8.8.X). This is blocked by GTRI. The Node-Backend can still be run by changing the DNS server to GTRIs:
Edit the /etc/resolv.conf file and add the following line: