A repository for the Design Patterns workshop at Recurse Center - https://www.recurse.com
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Gang of 4) - http://www.uml.org.cn/c++/pdf/DesignPatterns.pdf - This will be the book accompaniment for the HS workshop
- http://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns - A friendly introduction to Design Patterns
- Design Patterns in Python (Verma, R. and Giridhar, C.) - http://kennison.name/files/zopestore/uploads/python/DesignPatternsInPython_ver0.1.pdf - Some examples of python Design Patterns implementation
- Head First Design Patterns (Freeman E. and Freeman E.) - Book edited by O'Reilly
Notes for this repo have been taken from all of the sources.
Each pattern is briefly described below and it has an examples folder. Python code for the examples is provided there, together with a PRESENTATION_OUTLINE.md that outlines how the example was presented in the workshop.
- Strategy (Agustín Benassi - Feb 25th 2015)
- Singleton (Gonçalo Morais - Mar 4th 2015)
- Abstract Factory, Builder, Factory Method (Libby Horaceck - Mar 11th 2015)
- Decorator (Agustín Benassi - Mar 18th 2015)
- Template Method & Strategy Pattern (Pietro Menna - Apr 1st 2015)
- Observer Pattern (Noella - Apr 8th 2015)
- Memento (Ahmed Abdalla - Apr 15th 2015)
- Proxy
- State
- Null object
- Command