SEAN is a simple project for an easy starting point with Mysql (using the [Sequelize] ( ORM), Node.js, Express, and AngularJS based applications. It is designed to give you a quick and organized way to start developing SEAN based web apps.
- Node.js - Download and Install Node.js, nodeschool has free node tutorials to get you started. Recommend node version is node-4.x to run sean.
- Mysql - Download
If you're using ubuntu, this is the preferred repository to use...
$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
- Git - Get git using a package manager or download it.
- Node.js - Download and Install Node.js, nodeschool has free node tutorials to get you started.
- Mysql - Follow the great tutorial from the mongodb site - "Install Mysql On Windows"
- Git - The easiest way to install git and then run the rest of the commands through the git bash application (via command prompt) is by downloading and installing Git for Windows
- Node.js - Download and Install Node.js or use the packages within brew or macports.
- Msql - Follow the tutorial here - Install mysql on OSX
- git - Get git from here.
- Install Yarn.
- Sean currently uses gulp as a build tool and bower to manage frontend packages.
$ npm install -g gulp
// and bower
$ npm install -g bower
- Create a DB with the name "SEAN"
$ mysql> create database SEAN;
- In the ./SEAN dir from terminal run:(choose to install jquery#1.9.1 - 2)
$ yarn install && bower install
- In the ./SEAN dir, create a ".env" file with the following values:
API_SECRET = "Anything you want"
- In the ./SEAN dir, create this file "/config/config.json" with the following values (fill in your mysql password):
"development": {
"username": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "SEAN",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mysql",
"logging": false
"test": {
"username": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "SEAN",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mysql",
"logging": false
"production": {
"username": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "SEAN",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mysql",
"logging": false
- To start your web server, from terminal run:
$ gulp
- Initialize db, from terminal run (ONLY HAVE TO DO THIS ON THE 1ST RUN):
$ gulp db:init
- Access the web app on your localhost:
- To make a user admin: Form ./SEAN dir in terminal
$ gulp user --admin <username>
- To run all tests (from terminal run):
$ gulp test
- To run end-to-end tests (from terminal run):
$ gulp protractor
- To run server/api tests (from terminal run):
$ gulp mocha
- To run angular tests (from terminal run):
$ gulp karma