Binance - discord alerting bot, with simple discord CLI. The bot builds order-book
for a base-quote pair
and tracks it trough binance WS. Alerts if there are any limit orders bigger than 7 day average trading volume for the pair.
- Create a venv with python 3.11
- Install the requirements
- Go to
- Create a new application
- Create a bot
- Copy the token
- Bot will chat inside
GENERAL = 'general'
. Can be changed in file
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
--- Commands ---
$ping - pong!
$Watch:BTC/USDC - Start watching a pair
$Cancel:BTC/USDC - Cancel watching a pair
$List - List all pairs being watched
- Image name can be changed in the docker-compose.yml file
- push the image to GCP
- build for different architectures with
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t .