Websystem for Free the Children, UBC. Created by Code the Change - UBC Chapter.
See site here during development.
Rails version currently being used: 5.0.0. (See Gemfile)
Deployment Instructions:
- Locally: You can deploy on your local machine by typing "rails server" at the command line and visiting http://localhost:3000/
- Remotely: Run command "heroku open" in your command line. If you've made changes and want to push to heroku, run "git push heroku <your_branch_name>:master", which pushes changes from your local branch to the heroku master branch.
Test Suite *Run unit tests (found in directory /test) by typing "rails test" or "rake test:<test_module>".
Configuration *Update the gems specified in the gemfile by running "bundle install"
- Locally
- To update database after update or adding a model run "rake db:migrate". This migrates the current schema.
- To seed the database run "rake db:seed"
- To reset the database and reload the current database run "rake db:reset db:migrate"
- To destroy the database, create and migrate it run "rake db:reset db:migrate"
- After modifying the database, to run tests first run "rake db:test:prepare"
- Remotely (heroku)
- To drop the database "heroku pg:reset DATABASE"
- To migrate the current schema "heroku run rake db:migrate"
- To populate the database with seed data "heroku run rake db:seed"
- To cover last two in one action, run "heroku run rake db:setup"
- Locally
Project Lead: Ben Chugg. Contributors: Preet Phandar.
See issues and milestones
Grab an issue, write some code and submit a pull request!