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v0.1.0: First Mouse Captured

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@Clemapfel Clemapfel released this 13 Aug 14:34
· 194 commits to main since this release

Welcome to the initial release of mousetrap, a GUI engine for Julia.

This version is already mostly feature complete, as I wanted to wait with release until the library is ready to be employed in production. Ideally, as apps using mousetrap get started to be worked on and grow, mousetrap itself will stabilize, such that by the time 3rd party apps and/or Julia static compilation are finished, mousetrap will be flawless.

The mousetrap C++ component, C++ to Julia interface, and the Linux and Windows version of mousetrap.jl itself should be considered in Beta. They were unit tested and documented to the best of my ability, though I am sure there will be issue in the near future anyway.

The macOS version of mousetrap.jl, the Julia package, should be considered in alpha and experimental. I was unable to test this version, and I was forced to remove the OpenGL component for these devices, see chapter 9 of the documentation for more information.

Thank you to all who have supported me during this development cycle, hopefully mousetrap will be up to mine and everyone's standards.
