This project belongs to the course of Adaptive Embodied Locomotion Control Systems, which is part of the 3rd semester of MSc in Robot Systems at University of Southern Denmark.
For a more detailed report on the project, go to the repo's Wiki.
The repo contains several directories and files:
- controller: Implementation of the controller for the real LocoKit robot in C++. Uses the LocoKitInterface API for C++.
- Neuron: C++ implementation of a class to define neurons as objects.
- PSN: C++ implementation of a class to define Phase Switching Netwoks (L9 - Modular Neural Control).
- RK4: C++ implementation of a class with mathematical methods to solve ODEs numerically with the Runge-Kutta approximation (L8 - Dynamic Computation and Muscle Model).
- simulation: Interface for simulation of the LocoKit robot controller using LPZROBOTS C++ framework.
- SO2: C++ implementation of a class that defines an SO2 Central Pattern Generator network (L8 - Dynamic Computation and Muscle Model).
- TransferFuntion: C++ implementation of a class with mathematical transfer functions commonly used in artificial neurons.
- VRN: C++ implementation of a class to decine Velocity Reduction Networks (L9 - Modular Neural Control).
- tests: Contains tests for the above projects.
Carlos Viescas Huerta.
- LocoKit robot.
- LocoKit C API.
- LocoKit Python API.
- LPZROBOTS C++ framework.
- LPZROBOTS git repository.
- Gorobots-edu git repository.