Script: DocumentPinnedReusedTerms.ps1
Script to output all the Reused and Pinned terms where the term is not a source term to csv file from SharePoint OnPrem.
This will create a CSV file per Term Group for both pinned and reused terms
**Change the following to fit your environment
$SrcSiteUrl = ""
$outputFilePath = "C:\Scripts\TermStoreMigration\output\"
$TermStoreName = "MMD_Restored"
Name: DocumentPinnedReusedTerms.ps1
Author: Brent Person, Microsoft, [email protected]
Last Edit: 07/11/2019
Script: MigrateOnPremTermStoreToSPO.ps1
Script to migrate an OnPrem term store to SharePoint Online
This Script Assumes you've installed SharePoint in the default location and running on 2016 or 2019
This Script currently does not support user mapping to SPO user
This Script currently only supports a single TermStore associated with the OnPrem web application and it must be the default TermStore
**Change the location of the sharepoint client .dll files to fit your environment**
SharePoint Online Client SDK version 16.0.7018.1200 or higher
PowerShell Version 5.1.14393.3471 or higher
TermStore Administrator Rights
'.\MigrateOnPremTermStoreToSPO.ps1' -SrcSiteUrl -SrcUsername contoso\admin -SrcPassword **** -SPOSiteUrl -SPOUsername [email protected] -SPOPassword **** -GroupList ("Group1","Group2","Group3","Group4")
Name: MigrateOnPremTermStoreToSPO.ps1
Author: Brent Person, Microsoft, [email protected]
Created: 7/10/2020
Last Edit: 07/22/2020
Script: FindMIssingTermsInTermSet.ps1
Validation script to find missing/extra terms in specified Term Group/Term Set
Change the variables to fit your environment
Name: FindMissingTermsInTermSet.ps1
Author: Brent Person, Microsoft, [email protected]
Last Edit: 07/10/2019