this folder will be sub Divided into multiple sections under different operating systems. Those systems are Mac OSX, Linux (flavor independant).
The Mac OSx Folder should be viewed as the "HOME" directory once deployed to the system. You should direvtly copy the contents of that folder to the user's hoome directory. where .zshrc and the othes need to live. The .config folder also needs to be in that directory as the dotfiles folder contained within are called from .zshrc (sourced) from that sub directory.
The Linux/UNIX directory, like the Mac OSX directory, should be copied into the user HOME directory.
ZSH Shell was moved to by Apple several years ago, and that's when I made my move to it also.
Under zsh, I use Oh My Zsh for it's ability to incorperate plugins etc (, and Powerlevel 10K for a fantastic prompt ( These are some of the Best CLI add in/themes around and I ask you to give them support if you can.
Of course there is also Github and many other cli applications that I install. On Mac OSX I also utilize Homebrew (, which I've also installed on Linux, but am currently having some issues with.