The project "Bithomp tools" is discontinued because it's technical capabilities no longer meet the needs of the modern marketplace.
You can still download and use it offline on a separate secure offline computer/phone, but for online transactions it's recommended to use hardware wallets or a mobile app Xaman.
A tool to sign (and submit) transactions for XRPL, you can use secret, mnemonic or ledger hardware wallet.
Download index.html
Open the file in a browser by double clicking it.
This can be compiled from source using the command python
Choose a type of transaction: Payment, Trustline, Escrow, Settings
Choose a tool mode: Online or Offline
Enter your secret or a mnemonic (24 recovery words from your HardWare Wallet)
Fill in data in the requested fields.
Submit the data and wait for a result.
Please do not make modifications to index.html
, since they will
be overwritten by
Make changes in src/*
Changes are applied during release using the command python
, so
please do not commit changes to index.html
You can use this tool without having to be online.
Download the file from the repository - This project is 100% open-source code
This project is 100% open-source code
Get the source code from the repository -
BIP39 libraries - (basex, levenshtein, jQuery, sjcl, jsBIP39, BitcoinJS)
Lodash -
ripple-lib* -
qrcode -
bithompHW -
- modified (few extra lines added), for writing a post how to use this tools in offline mode:, for testing and reporting issues on Escrow implementation.
2018-2021 Octillion S.A. All Rights Reserved
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
Please refer to the software license for more details.