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Designed to do a few things well...
- work with github issues & pr's.
- let you run multiple submodule commands.
- work with npm modules within submodules.
- works with kubebuilder to deploy kubernetes projects (https://github.com/AlexsJones/kubebuilder.git)
>>> help
npm sub commands:
[npm] file: relink an npm package locally<prefix> <string>
[npm] remove: remove a dep from package.json <string>
[npm] usage: find usage of a package within submodules <string>
github sub commands:
[github] pr: pr command palette
[pr] attach: attach the current issue to a pr <owner> <reponame> <prnumber>
[pr] create: create a pr <owner> <repo> <base> <head> <title>
[github] issue: Issue commands
[issue] create: set the current working issue <owner> <repo> <issuename>
[issue] set: set the current working issue <issue number>
[issue] unset: unset the current working issue
[issue] show: show the current working issue
[issue] palette: Manipulate the issue palette of working repos
[palette] add: Add a repository to the palette as part of current working issue by name <name>
[palette] remove: Remove a repository from the palette as part of the current working issue by name <name>
[palette] show: Show repositories in the palette as part of the current working issue
[palette] delete: Delete all repositories in the palette as part of the current working issue
[github] login: use an access token to login to github
[github] fetch: fetch remote repos
submodule sub commands:
[submodule] branch: branch command palette
[submodule] exec: execute in all submodules <command string>
storage sub commands:
[storage] clear: clear all data from kepler
[storage] show: show storage data
palette sub commands:
[palette] branch: switch branches or create if they don't exist for working issue palette repos <branchname>
[branch] push: For pushing the local branches to new/existing remotes
[branch] local: For switching local branches on palette repos
[palette] show: Show repositories in the palette as part of the current working issue
go get github.com/AlexsJones/kepler
or fetch source and run
godep restore
To run in a CI or as a one time command
kepler unattended usage yar