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Command line parameters

Bert Vandenbroucke edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 4 revisions

shadowfax2d and shadowfax3d

The shadowfax2d and shadowfax3d programs have a range of possible command line parameters, coupled to 2 running modes of the program. The first running mode does never enter the main simulation program, but calls a different sideprogram when the program is started. The name of the sideprogram is the first command line parameter (preceded by two dashes: --) in this case, and has to be one of:

  • plot: sideprogram that plots a snapshot as an image in PPM format
  • ic: no longer supported, but still accepted as command line parameter
  • area: sideprogram that calculates the surface areas of the cells of a 2D Voronoi grid for a given set of points
  • density: sideprogram that calculates the density of a set of 3D input points as the reciprocal of the Voronoi grid cell volumes, and gives the index of the point with the highest density
  • mass: sideprogram that calculates the masses for a snapshot only containing densities
  • epot: sideprogram to calculate the gravitational potential energy for a snapshot
  • sort: sideprogram that sorts a set of input points according to a space-filling Hilbert curve

If none of these is provided, the program enters the main simulation program, which has the following command line parameters (again preceded by --):

  • restart: restart a previously interrupted run from a restart file. This parameter requires an extra argument: the name of the restart file to read. This parameter cannot be combined with the parameters below
  • params: start a normal run from a parameter file, which is provided as extra argument for this parameter
  • read_mass: start a normal run, but read the masses from the initial condition file rather than the densities. Use this option if you want to start a simulation using Gadget2 compatible initial conditions that do not contain the density.

If no command line parameters are provided, the main simulation program is entered and a normal run is started using default.ini as parameter file. The program will crash if default.ini is not in the working directory.

The sideprograms also have additional command line parameters. These need to be specified after the parameter that calls the specific sideprogram:


This sideprogram takes a required parameter:

  • filename: the name of the snapshot file that should be plotted and an optional parameter:
  • parname: name of an image parameter file that can be used to finetune the resulting image


This sideprogram takes one required parameter:

  • filename: name of an ASCII file containing the 2D positions of a set of grid generators and 3 optional parameters, which either are omitted, or need all be specified:
  • origin_x
  • origin_y
  • side: the dimensions of a square that will be used as a bounding box for the Voronoi grid. All positions in the ASCII file should lie within this box


This sideprogram takes a single, required parameter:

  • filename: name of an ASCII file containing the 3D positions of a set of grid generators


This sideprogram takes one required parameter:

  • filename: name of a snapshot file for which the masses need to be calculated and one optional parameter:
  • type: format of snapshot file, defaults to the default Gadget snapshot format


This sideprogram takes on required parameter:

  • filename: name of a snapshot file for which the potential energies need to be calculated. Needs to be in the deprecated Shadowfax snapshot format


This sideprogram takes a single, required parameter:

  • filename: name of an ASCII file containing the 3D positions of a set of points that needs to be sorted

icmaker2d and icmaker3d

These programs have two modes: a mode that creates an initial condition file from an XML file containing a geometrical description of the simulation box and its contents, and a mode that creates a predefined initial condition that is hardcoded in the program. Both modes have the following (optional) parameters:

  • ncell: number of cells to generate. If both gas and dark matter need to be generated, the same number is used for both components.
  • mode: type of grid to generate. Either rand for a density sampled random grid that is relaxed by applying Lloyd's algorithm, or cart for a Cartesian grid. rand is default. For a Cartesian grid, the number of cells can deviate slightly from what is requested, as this number will be a second or third power of an integer number.
  • type: format of initial condition file to generate. Defaults to the default Gadget snapshot format
  • filename: name of the generated initial condition file. Defaults to icfile.hdf5
  • output_mass: flag that can be used to output the masses to the initial condition file. Use this if you want to use the generated initial condition as initial condition for an SPH code like Gadget2 or SWIFT
  • numlloyd: number of Lloyd iterations used to regularize the grid

The first mode (XML file) has two additional parameters:

  • setup: name of the XML file containing the description of the simulation box
  • seed: seed value for the random number generator

The second mode (predefined initial condition) has one additional parameter:

  • predefined: number of a predefined initial condition. Valid options are: Gresho vortex (0), Sedov-Taylor blastwave (1), experimental isolated dwarf galaxy (2), Kelvin-Helmholtz test (3), Evrard collapse test (4), N-body test (5)

The parameters setup and predefined are mutually exclusive, and one of them needs to be present.

vtkmaker2d and vtkmaker3d

These programs have one required parameter:

  • filename: name of the snapshot file to read

and three additional parameters:

  • type: format of the snapshot file. Defaults to the default Gadget format
  • delaunay: output the Delaunay tesselation
  • voronoi: output the Voronoi tesselation

If delaunay is specified and voronoi is not, the Delaunay tesselation is written out. In all other cases (nothing specified, only voronoi specified, or both voronoi and delaunay specified), the Voronoi grid is written out.

myGIZMO3d, lloydmaker2d and lloydmaker3d

These programs have one required parameter:

  • filename: name of an initial condition file to read

and one additional parameter

  • type: format of the initial condition file, defaults to the default Gadget format

myTenet2d and myTenet3d

These programs have one optional parameter, which is specified as a single number, without --, and which represents the order of the basis functions that should be used. Note that these programs are highly experimental and should not be used for anything else than testing the TENET algorithm.