The annotation-nf pipeline performs variant annotation for the VCF at the isotype level using both SnpEff and BCFtools/csq (BCSQ).
Before running, make sure to check out the genomes-nf pipeline to ensure that the reference genome and annotation databases are set up properly.
nextflow andersenlab/annotation-nf --debug
nextflow andersenlab/annotation-nf --vcf=hard-filtered.vcf --species=c_elegans --divergent_regions=divergent_regions_strain.bed
parameters description Set/Default
========== =========== ========================
--debug Set to 'true' to test ${params.debug}
--species Species: 'c_elegans', 'c_tropicalis' or 'c_briggsae' ${params.species}
--vcf hard filtered vcf to calculate variant density ${params.vcf}
--divergent_regions (Optional) Divergent region bed file ${params.divergent_regions}
--reference Reference used based on species and project ${params.reference}
--output (Optional) output folder name ${params.output}
username ${"whoami".execute().in.text}
- The latest update requires Nextflow version 24+. On Rockfish, you can access this version by loading the
conda environment prior to running the pipeline command:
module load python/anaconda
source activate /data/eande106/software/conda_envs/nf24_env
Note: Before 20220301, this pipeline was run using existing conda environments on QUEST. However, these have since been migrated to docker imgaes to allow for better control and reproducibility across platforms. If you need to access the conda version, you can always run an old commit with nextflow run andersenlab/annotation-nf -r 20220216-Release
(link): Docker image is created within this pipeline using GitHub actions. Whenever a change is made toenv/annotation.Dockerfile
GitHub actions will create a new docker image and push if successfulandersenlab/r_packages
(link): Docker image is created manually, code can be found in the dockerfile repo.
Make sure that you add the following code to your ~/.bash_profile
. This line makes sure that any singularity images you download will go to a shared location on /vast/eande106
for other users to take advantage of (without them also having to download the same image).
# add singularity cache
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR='/vast/eande106/singularity/'
If you need to work with the docker container, you will need to create an interactive session as singularity can't be run on Rockfish login nodes.
interact -n1 -pexpress
module load singularity
singularity shell [--bind local_dir:container_dir] /vast/eande106/singularity/<image_name>
Note: if you are having issues running Nextflow or need reminders, check out the Nextflow page.
This command uses a test dataset
nextflow run -latest andersenlab/annotation-nf --debug
You should run this in a screen or tmux session.
nextflow run -latest andersenlab/annotation-nf --vcf <path_to_vcf> --species <species> --divergent_regions <path_to_file>
There are three configuration profiles for this pipeline.
- Used for running on Rockfish (default).quest
- Used for running on Quest.local
- Used for local development.
If you forget to add a -profile
, the rockfish
profile will be chosen as default
You should use --debug
for testing/debugging purposes. This will run the debug test set (located in the test_data
For example:
nextflow run -latest andersenlab/annotation-nf --debug
Path to the hard-filter, isotype VCF (output from post-gatk-nf
Choose from c_elegans, c_briggsae, or c_tropicalis. Species will specifiy a default reference genome. You can select a different one if you prefer (see below)
This is the divergent_regions_strain.bed
file output from the post-gatk-nf
pipeline. This file is used to add a column to the flat file if the variant is within a divergent region. Currently, C. elegans is the only species with divergent regions, if running for another species, do not provide a divergent_regions file and the pipeline will ignore it.
By default, the reference genome is set by the species parameter. If you don't want to use the default, you could change the project and/or ws_build. As long as the genome is in the proper location on quest (for more, see the genomes-nf pipeline), this will work. Alternatively, you could provide the path to a reference of your choice.
- C. elegans -
- C. briggsae -
- C. tropicalis -
This parameter is necessary for correct annotation using BCSQ for variants with many different annotations (like found in divergent regions). In 20210121 we found that the default value of 224
was sufficient, but as more strains are added this number might need to increase. If there is an issue, you should see a warning error from BCFtools and they should suggest what to change this parameter to.
There are a few specific change that need to be made to the GFF to use CSQ. These additions are made with the following script
#gff_file <- "/vast/eande106/projects/Ryan/protein_structure/ben_1_convergence/annotate_cb/gffs/c_briggsae/test.gff"
fix_mRNA <- function(ID, Parent){
transcript_id <- strsplit(ID, "=")[[1]][2]
gene_id <- strsplit(Parent, "=")[[1]][2]
new_at <- glue::glue("ID={transcript_id};Parent={gene_id};biotype=protein_coding")
add_mrna_biotype <- function(gff_file, transcript_type = "mRNA"){
gff_cols <- c("chrm_id", "source", "type", "start", "end", "score", "strand", "phase", "attributes")
gff <- data.table::fread(gff_file, header = FALSE, col.names = gff_cols) #Separate the attribute column
mrna_features <- gff %>%
dplyr::filter(type == transcript_type) %>%
separate(attributes, sep=";", into = c("ID", "Parent")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(attributes = map2_chr(ID, Parent, fix_mRNA)) %>%
select(-ID, -Parent)
other_features <- gff %>%
dplyr::filter(type != transcript_type)
reformatted <- bind_rows(mrna_features, other_features)
#name and save output file
today <- format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d')
file_id <- basename(gff_file)
write_tsv(reformatted, glue::glue("{file_id}_reformatted_{today}.gff"), col_names = FALSE)
ct_gff = "/vast/eande106/projects/Ryan/protein_structure/ben_1_convergence/annotate_cb/gffs/c_tropicalis/NIC58.final_annotation.fixed.CSQ.gff"
cb_gff = "/vast/eande106/projects/Ryan/protein_structure/ben_1_convergence/annotate_cb/gffs/c_briggsae/Curation-VF-230214.PC.clean.renamed.csq.gff3"
#Transcript type allows the "type" column in the gff to be dynamic
add_mrna_biotype(ct_gff, transcript_type = "transcript")
add_mrna_biotype(cb_gff, transcript_type = "mRNA")
As of 05/02/23 these files are in the respective genomes folder on Rockfish
├── strain_vcf
│ ├── {strain}.{date}.vcf.gz
│ └── {strain}.{date}.vcf.gz.tbi
└── variation
├── WI.{date}.hard-filter.isotype.snpeff.vcf.gz
├── WI.{date}.hard-filter.isotype.snpeff.vcf.gz.tbi
├── snpeff.stats.csv
├── WI.{date}.hard-filter.isotype.bcsq.vcf.gz
├── WI.{date}.hard-filter.isotype.bcsq.vcf.gz.tbi
├── WI.{date}.hard-filter.isotype.bcsq.vcf.gz.stats.txt
└── WI.{date}.strain-annotation.bcsq.tsv
Once the pipeline has complete successfully and you are satisfied with the results, the final data can be moved to their final storage place on Rockfish accordingly:
- Both the
and thevariation
folders can be moved to/vast/eande106/data/{species}/WI/variation/{date}/vcf
- If applicable, all snpeff
files (HIGH, LOW, MODERATE, etc.) can be moved to/vast/eande106/data/{species}/WI/variation/{date}/tracks/
(As of 20210901 this is no longer being produced for CaeNDR)
Check out the CaeNDR page and the WI protocol for more information about updating a new data release for CaeNDR.