This repository contains an example implementation of an model for classifying human activity, including scripts for processing datasets, training the model, and exporting a deployable version of it. It also includes a sample neuralSPOT-based application suitable for deploying to an Apollo4P EVB.
It is offered only as an example of how to accomplish this type of model - this is not production-ready.
We use WISDM, a publicly available dataset, but only use 5 of the many classes of activity the dataset includes. There are three caveats here:
- The sample size for these activities is small, which results in a less-accurate model. We've augmented the dataset, but are starting to run into over-fitting.
- Some of the activities are physically similar (sitting vs. standing, walking vs. jogging) make identification overlap between those activities.
- The WISDM dataset collected data for wrist devices, but the sensor was different, and oriented differently. We've attempted to mitigate this by collecting data using our sensor and using a fine-tuning step in the training process.
We include a pre-trained model, but if you wish to replicate this, the process is straightforward. The most complex step is installing the needed non-python tools, which will vary for each development platform. Once those tools are installed, the steps to training a model are:
$> cd python
$> pip install requirements.txt
$> python -m train
This will execute the following steps:
- Load the dataset files and partition the data into training, testing, and validation sets
- Process them into 10 second moving windows
- Augment the training data by adding jitter, scale noise, and warping
- Train the main model - this will take a while, depending on your compute resources (tested on both CPU and GPU platforms)
- Fine-tune the model using MPU6050 data
- Export all artifacts (processed datasets, trained models, quantized models, and C version of the quantized model)
See the data/README.mdfor more detailed insights into this model
The script supports the following options:
optional arguments:
--seed SEED Random Seed (default: 42)
--num-time-steps NUM_TIME_STEPS
Number of Timestep Windows (default: 200)
--num-features NUM_FEATURES
Number of Features (default: 6)
--sample-step SAMPLE_STEP
Timestep Window Slide (default: 20)
--trained-model-dir TRAINED_MODEL_DIR
Directory where trained models are stored (default: trained_models/)
--job-dir JOB_DIR Directory where artifacts are stored (default: artifacts/)
--dataset-dir DATASET_DIR
Directory where datasets reside (default: datasets/)
--processed-dataset PROCESSED_DATASET
Name of processed baseline dataset (default: processed_dataset.pkl)
--augmented-dataset AUGMENTED_DATASET
Name of processed augmented dataset (default: augmented_dataset.pkl)
--processed-ft-dataset PROCESSED_FT_DATASET
Name of processed baseline dataset (default: processed_ft_dataset.pkl)
--augmented-ft-dataset AUGMENTED_FT_DATASET
Name of processed augmented dataset (default: augmented_ft_dataset.pkl)
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch Size (default: 32)
--augmentations AUGMENTATIONS
Number of augmentation passes (default: 8)
Save processed datasets as pkls (default: True)
--epochs EPOCHS Number of training epochs (default: 35)
--ft-epochs FT_EPOCHS
Number of fine-tuning epochs (default: 3)
--model-name MODEL_NAME
Name of trained model (default: model)
--training-dataset-percent TRAINING_DATASET_PERCENT
Percent of records used for training (default: 65)
Show training statistics plots (default: True)
--no-train-model Train the model, otherwise load existing model (default: True)
--no-fine-tune-model Fine-tune the model, otherwise load existing model (default: True)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
To run this example, you'll need an Apollo4 EVB and an MPU6050 connected following these instructions.
This repository includes a small application implementing HAR on an Ambiq EVB. To compile and deploy the application, follow these steps:
$> cd evb
$> make
$> make deploy # flashes the model to the EVB using Jlink
$> make view # connects to Jlink's ITM monitor to enable viewing the application's output