Helper scripts for connecting cinema databases to viewers.
A cinema database provides a parameterized set of assets (files) and associated meta data.
These databases can be created with tools like Ascent, ParaView, and VisIt -- or they can be created with custom scripts.
Learn more about Cinema here:
These helper scripts target cinema spec d (general csv) and cinema spec a (legacy image) specifications.
The viewers here are derived from the main cinema viewers, modified to avoid any XHR security issues.
The scripts are derived from work done with Ascent.
Given a cinema database, create a stand alone cinema explorer viewer for this database.
python example_databases/uncertainty_bubbles.cdb _out_explore_bubbles
open _out_explore_bubbles/cinema_explorer/index.html
Given a spec a cinema database, create a stand alone spec a viewer for this database.
python example_databases/visit_ex_spec_a.cdb/ _out_spec_a_visit
open _out_spec_a_visit/cinema_spec_a_viewer/index.html
Given a spec a database, convert to a spec d (csv-style) database.
python example_databases/visit_ex_spec_a.cdb/ _convert/visit_ex.cdb
python _convert/visit_ex.cdb _out_explore_converted
open _out_explore_converted/cinema_explorer/index.html