Automates Arabic text extraction from images using Alqare by ARBML. Extracted text is saved in an output file.
Enriches Arabic content and utilizes machine learning capabilities for Arabic text OCR.
- Python 3.x
- Requests: For making HTTP requests.
- Beautiful Soup 4: For parsing HTML and extracting information.
- Selenium WebDriver: For automating web tasks.
- ChromeDriver: For interfacing with Google Chrome.
- Alqare Web-based OCR: For Arabic OCR.
- Run the First Cell: Installs necessary Python packages.
- Specify Image Folder: Update 'FOLDER PATH' in the code.
- Run All Cells: To kick off the automation.
📝 Note: Make sure ChromeDriver is in your system's PATH and compatible with your installed Chrome Browser.
Feel free to fork; PRs are welcome!