Create, Edit, Delete, Duplicate tickets and view ticket history in a simple ticket management system - all managed by the concepts of event sourcing.
First ensure that you have your .env
file set up with the correct environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
Running the containers:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Once running - in a new tab ensure that the database migrations have been applied:
docker-compose exec backend flask db upgrade
The following endpoints should now be available on your host machine:
- Backend - http://localhost:5511/graphql
- Frontend - http://localhost:3000/
Postgres will be available on the host machine on port 5510.
The following technologies are used for the backend:
- Graphene + Flask - Used to build GraphQL API in Python
- Eventsourcing - The heart of the API which tracks all state changes via domain events, and provides the means to reconstruct the application state either on demand, via snapshots, or projections
- SqlAlchemy + Flask Migrate - Database ORM and migration support
The development flow consists of running the docker containers with docker-compose up
. Any changes to the backend/
will cause an automatic reload of flask.
It is also possible to start a new shell into the backend process with:
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec backend /bin/sh
Running tests:
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec backend /bin/sh
To create migration scripts, ensure that you have added/upgraded your SqlAchemy db models then create a new migration with:
flask db migrate -m "add event sourcing table"
To apply changes to your database:
flask db upgrade
The following technologies are used for the frontend:
- React - View layer
- material-ui - React components for faster and easier web development
- Next.JS - Server side rendering for React
- Apollo - GraphQL client with React integration
Running tests:
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec frontend /bin/sh
yarn test
For generating the latest TypeScript definitions for GraphQL queries:
yarn codegen:watch
Downloading the latest schema from the backend:
yarn schema:fetch