Windows Terminal Powershell Theme - ENCOM OS 12.0 from Tron: Legacy
This is just powershell themed to look less boring!
Download the repo and place the content of the ".Terminal" folder in your user profile directory.
Setup new entry in windows terminal.
In your windows terminal settings.json create a new profile list item
"guid": "{8c6538a6-a82d-4dd6-b46f-6f249d80a7ea}",
"name": "ENCOM Operating System 12.0",
"commandline": "powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoExit -File %userprofile%\\.Terminal\\encomos\\profile.ps1",
"hidden": false,
"startingDirectory": "C:\\src",
"colorScheme": "ENCOM",
"icon": "%userprofile%\\.Terminal\\encomos\\icon.png",
"backgroundImage": "%userprofile%\\.Terminal\\encomos\\background_alt_2.png",
"backgroundImageOpacity": 0.25,
"backgroundImageStretchMode": "uniformToFill",
"cursorShape": "filledBox",
"cursorColor": "#00a595"
Add color theme to settings.json.
Iin the schemes section add the following
"name": "ENCOM",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#9f0000",
"green": "#008b00",
"yellow": "#ffd000",
"blue": "#0081ff",
"purple": "#bc00ca",
"cyan": "#008b8b",
"white": "#bbbbbb",
"brightBlack": "#555555",
"brightRed": "#ff0000",
"brightGreen": "#00ee00",
"brightYellow": "#ffff00",
"brightBlue": "#0000ff",
"brightPurple": "#ff00ff",
"brightCyan": "#00cdcd",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff",
"background": "#000000",
"foreground": "#00a595"
Save settings.json and reload terminal. You should now have a custom themed powershell that looks like the screenshot above!