CopyCat is a mobile application that allows users to remove the background from images using ML and transfer them directly to their computer with minimal effort.
This mobile application is developer using Expo and React Native, coupled with Supabase for handling User Authentication as well as providing a real-time database.
U2Net is the modal that is used to to detect the object on images and remove the background.
Google Vision API is used to handle OCR for detecting text from images, as well as generating a label for images and blocking adult content.
Web3 Storage is used in order to store the images saved by the users.
- Removing background from images : The app can be used to isolate objects and remove the background, the user can either download and use the result locally or store it to the database for later use.
Transfer Result images directly to the desktop : Using the desktop application paired with the mobile application users can
Extract text from images : The app allows users to exctract text from images taken and allows them to transfer it directly to their computers as well
- Explore Page : Users can share/find scans done by other users that they can use without the need to scan their own objects