- Tagline: (i.e: Analyze political botnet activity on Twitter and develop effective counter-measures)
- Date: (Date the research opened, i.e: October 2016)
- Category: [Applied Research, Fundamental Research]
- Contact(s): researcher(s) @example.com
- Explain what stage the project is at as of now, in few points:
Brainstorming Phase: disucssing approaches to tackle part 1/2/3.. of the problem.
Baseline model is built, here are results:
Accuracy Loss Time Data Model Name - Author X 2.xxx 70 1hr 20 datapoints Model Two - Author Y 89.xxx 3 2wks 50k datapoints
- Mailing list: (By the authors ideally)
- Slack/Gitter Channel Links
Explain the goal outcome here in few sentences.
This is a more in depth explanation into the problem from the previous section:
- Some downfalls without this research existing.
- Current approaches into how this task is being accomplished: [manually, ml-linear models, not have been attempted]
- Getting a little technical here wouldn't be bad perhaps, (technical in terms of the project suggested approach).
Essentially, this can be a convincing point for other researchers with common interest to join.
- Given the dataset and disucssed approaches, what could be a good measure of good result.
- Or perhaps include benchmarks to compare against and improve up-on.
The more data resources, the better!
Please include information about the nature of the data (if possible): For example:
Company A, API: (Limit on 100 calls per minute) Link to the API documentation
Open Dataset: (10 Gb), Link to a paper about the dataset (if possible). if not, then some project that uses the dataset.
Another suggested format by Megan Risdal:
- The context: How was the data collected and why?
- Contents: What fields are in your data? What are their units of measurement? Are there missing values or other recording flaws?
- Goals: What are the objectives of this dataset is introduced for?
- Acknowledgments: Who do you owe thanks for sharing this dataset? Provide details on the datasets’s provenance. This is not only important in collaborative social data science, but may also be a part of respecting the dataset owner’s license.
- Iris Dataset information given on the page.
- Twitter API.
If applicable, point to scripts that:
- Fetches the data for train/test.
- Performs preprocessing to the given approaches towards the project. (i.e: Tokenization, Word Embedding, RGB Image Reshaping)
This will be one of the main key places for other researchers to contribute to during the project lifetime.
- Papers that tackle either:
- this same research goal.
- that uses approaches to other problems outside the scope of this research, however, insightful and relevant in building the architecture of this research's model.
Few things to have in here:
- Provide a starting point readme file and status of the current project for new researchers. These projects can take months if not longer sometimes to complete, such information will help onboarding faster.
- Guideline on how to edit-add new resources to this project, if there is a specific requirement, mention them. i.e:
- Please create a branch and do a pull-request when adding to this example project.
- Open Issues if something is not clear in the readme, or found linguistic/ grammar mistakes.
- Megan Risdal. A Guide to Open Data Publishing & Analytics
- Shawn Anderson, Social Media Bot Detection
PS: Last few notes:
- Be Nice & Be Respectful.
- Value other people's work, please reference them. Don't just copy & paste what you find elsewhere when it comes to sharing information.
- Give constructive criticism, as in if you see something not working, or wrong, suggest an attempt to tackle resolving the issue.
- Please Ask Questions: This is one big attempt to open up opportunity for everyone being able to contribute, if they can add value towards these research topics.
- Also, keep in mind that most of the researchers that are opening these projects might have full-time work/research. If there is a specific question, try opening an issue, use the given open communication channels rather than direct contact.