Type Game is a simple and addictive game that challenges your typing skills. The game gives you a random phrase to type, and your goal is to type it as fast and accurately as you can. The game tracks your time and type count for each completed phrase, allowing you to measure your progress and see how much you're improving.
To get started with Type Game, simply clone this repository to your local machine, and run the following commands:
npm install
npm run dev
This will install all the necessary dependencies and start the development server. You can then access the game at http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.
You will also need to fill in your own variables in a .env.local
file. You can reference .env.example
to see what this will require.
Type Game was built with the following technologies:
If you'd like to contribute to Type Game, please fork this repository and submit a pull request. We welcome all contributions and feedback!