Riot is a 1kb client-side MVP library. A fast, powerful yet tiny tool for building large scale web applications.
The Riot.js website is a great resource for getting started.
Here are some links you may find helpful:
- Documentation
- Original Blog post
- Frameworkless JavaScript
- Riot.js on GitHub
- Demo: administration panel
Articles and guides from the community:
The TodoMVC application is structured according to the Riot documentation about "Building modular applications with Riot.js".
Riot's applications should be divided in well defined modules. Those modules should loosely coupled modules to make then easy reused and tested.
- Models: Haddles the data and events related to the its changes.
- Presenters: Handles the UI and can bind or trigger events to the given model.
- Routers: Handle changes on the route and can trigger events on the given model.
- Tests: Riot's also include a very simple BDD framework that can be used on node or the browser.
To run Riot's Todo APP just open todomvc/labs/architecture-examples/riotjs/index.html
in a browser, you can also run the test suite on todomvc/labs/architecture-examples/riotjs/test/index.html
This TodoMVC application was created by Marcelo Eden.