astar algorithm to minimize multi-objective function
A* algorithm for real road networks.
It uses New York City's actual road network. The data comes from [1].
- There are 96,570 nodes.
- There are 260,855 links.
This algorithm generates a path considering three metrics.
- Street length (meters): There are pre-calculated street lengths from [1]. The heuristic function for distance metric uses Haversine distance.
- Travel time (seconds): It is calculated by dividing the distance by the speed limit from [3]; see [4] for more details. The heuristic function for this uses Haversine distance divided by New York City's maximum speed limit.
- Carbon emission (g/m): It can be estimated based on elevation, speed, and acceleration as driving from the equation in [2]. The algorithm assumes all vehicles drive at the speed limit (i.e., a=0). The heuristic function for this is simply the minimum emissions.
$$f_t = \beta_1 \cos\theta + \beta_2 v \sin\theta + \beta_3 v^2 + \beta_4 a + \beta_5 \frac{a}{v} + \beta_6 \frac{1}{v} + \beta_7$$ $$E_{CO_2} = 2.32 \times f_t$$
The cost function of a path is a linear combination of three metrics, with adjustable weights.
That is, setting
pybind11 is a header-only library facilitating seamless C++ and Python interoperability with minimal code, making it straightforward to expose C++ functions and classes to Python.
Using APT,
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pybind11-dev
c++ -O3 -Wall -shared -std=c++11 -fPIC $(python3 -m pybind11 --includes) astar.h astar.cpp planner.cpp -o
If you want to get the optimal cost,
python3 -f ${start_node_id} -t ${end_node_id} -w ${alpha} ${beta} ${gamma} -s ${save_or_not}
For example,
python3 -f 47 -t 52 -w 1 0 0 -s 1
For node id, please refer to data/nodes_N96570.csv
If you want to get the detailed information of the optimal path, it is saved in result/optimal_path.csv
python3 -f ${start_node_id} -t ${end_node_id} -w ${alpha} ${beta} ${gamma} -s 1
If you want to get the optimal cost, it is printed directly.
python3 -f ${start_node_id} -t ${end_node_id} -w ${alpha} ${beta} ${gamma} -s 0
If you want to get the shortest path,
python3 -f ${start_node_id} -t ${end_node_id} -w 1 0 0 -s ${save_or_not}
If you want to get the fatest path,
python3 -f ${start_node_id} -t ${end_node_id} -w 0 1 0 -s ${save_or_not}
If you want to get the eco-friendly path,
python3 -f ${start_node_id} -t ${end_node_id} -w 0 0 1 -s ${save_or_not}
python3 -f 47 -t 52 -w 1 0 0 -s 1
save in ./result/optimal_path.csv
longitude latitude distance (m) time (sec)
0 -73.9398 40.6608 0.000 0.00000
1 -73.9426 40.6606 236.813 21.18940
2 -73.9454 40.6604 237.132 21.21800
3 -73.9461 40.6604 57.119 5.11086
4 -73.9466 40.6604 47.135 4.21752
5 -73.9473 40.6603 51.677 4.62393
Total distance (m): 629.876
Total travel time (m): 56.35971
[1] Donovan, Brian; Work, Dan (2016): New York City Taxi Trip Data (2010-2013). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
[2] Weiliang Zeng, Tomio Miwa, Takayuki Morikawa,
Prediction of vehicle CO2 emission and its application to eco-routing navigation, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,
Volume 68, 2016, Pages 194-214.