- Fix: Update last_login_at and last_login_ip on social networt authenticate (@eluhr)
- Enh: Keycloak auth client (@eluhr)
- Fix: Social Network Auth (@eluhr)
- Enh #532: /user/registration/register now shows form validation errors
- Enh: Allow/suggest new v3 releases of 2amigos 2fa dependencies: 2fa-library, qrcode-library (@TonisOrmisson)
- Enh: Added option to disable viewing any other user's profile for non-admin users (@TonisOrmisson)
- Ehn: updated Estonian (et) translation by (@TonisOrmisson)
- Ehn: use recaptcha.net instead of google.com (@Eseperio)
For future reference, this release introduces a possible regression with custom integrations:
Class common\clients\YourCustomEndpoint contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Da\User\Contracts\AuthClientInterface::getUserId)
You can fix it by using the Da\User\Traits\AuthClientUserIdTrait
inside your class like:
class Microsoft365 extends \yii\authclient\OAuth2 implements \Da\User\Contracts\AuthClientInterface
use \Da\User\Traits\AuthClientUserIdTrait;
Thanks to @edegaudenzi for reporting it here.