A short program written in java that simulates three different styles of CPU scheduling. It imitates First Come First Serve (FCFS), High Priority First (HPF), and Round Robin Scheduling. Input is read from a input file called input.txt and the results are outputted to a file called output.txt.
In the program you enter the name of a text file with the processes you want to simulate the CPU scheduler on in the format specified below.
The real input files you submit should not include anything other than the process id, computation time, and priority, in this exact order.
In the scheduler-app/src/test/java/cpu_scheduler/app/SchedulerTest.java you can see the unit and integration testing that was done for this project.
The program will create an output .txt file with the name you specified in the program's home directory. The output will show how the processes would be scheduled for Highest Priority First, First Come First Server, and Round Robin.