A social, decentralized marketplace for NFTs
On this social marketplace, you can sell/auction any ERC721 token. The selling commission will go to a user-curated list of non-profit organizations that changes regularly based on user voting results, thus making it a crowd-controlled social enterprise. The platform has its own payment token (ERC20) that is used to place bids and pay fees and pay out funds to sellers. The latter part is not real-world ideal but helpful for me to play around with ERC20, ERC721 and potentially ERC223 token standards.
I started this project to deepen my knowledge about Solidity, smart contract development, deployment and testing (with Javascript/Truffle/Mocha/Chai). I know there are out-of-the-box solutions available in the internet that I could have leveraged but I wanted to come up with my own approach to increase my learning curve. After all, this exercise is just preparation to get into a paid position as blockchain developer.
I am currently looking for any kind of practical coding experience in the blockchain sector, preferably in a team with at least one senior blockchain dev.