V.1.0.0 (2019-08-17)
Closed issues:
- Test ticket from Code Climate #52
V1.0.1 (2019-08-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Create PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md #58 (piyush97)
- Grid Implementation #56 (piyush97)
- Card component #51 (vinaybiradar1717)
- Storybook #49 (piyush97)
- Typography Dynamically fixed with props and default props #47 (piyush97)
- Text box #45 (piyush97)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Update issue templates #57 (piyush97)
- Grid #55 (sawood14012)
- added info card #54 (sawood14012)
- Card component #53 (piyush97)
- Box refactor #48 (piyush97)
- added tests #46 (sawood14012)
- Testing components #44 (piyush97)
- Readme My name 😜 #43 (piyush97)
- docs: add sawood14012 as a contributor #42 (allcontributors[bot])
- Testing components #41 (sawood14012)
- Vinay refactor #40 (vinaybiradar1717)
- media prettier #39 (piyush97)
V.0.2.1 (2019-08-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Button Component to be made #2
- Layout Implementation assigned! #1
- Piyush97 appbar #23 (piyush97)
- Vinay test #15 (vinaybiradar1717)
- Grid vinay #12 (vinaybiradar1717)
- Box vinaybiradar1717 #5 (vinaybiradar1717)
- Input button piyush97 #4 (piyush97)
- Input button piyush97 #3 (piyush97)
Closed issues:
- Refactor the code with StoryBook and test #24
Merged pull requests:
- docs: add vinaybiradar1717 as a contributor #37 (allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add piyush97 as a contributor #36 (allcontributors[bot])
- docs: add is124 as a contributor #34 (allcontributors[bot])
- Readme #33 (piyush97)
- Refactoring components #31 (vinaybiradar1717)
- DEV #30 (piyush97)
- Mass media #29 (piyush97)
- story #28 (piyush97)
- Boxing box restructured #27 (vinaybiradar1717)
- box restructured #26 (vinaybiradar1717)
- resolved bug fix #25 (piyush97)
- different boxes #22 (vinaybiradar1717)
- gridspacing modified to functional component #21 (vinaybiradar1717)
- input label modification #20 (vinaybiradar1717)
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md #18 (piyush97)
- Piyush97 switches #17 (piyush97)
- Staging #16 (piyush97)
- Staging #14 (piyush97)
- Development! #10 (piyush97)
- Media #9 (is124)
- Create README.md #7 (piyush97)
- Create LICENSE #6 (piyush97)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator