Hello, As I mentioned on the title, Is there a way to load Homebrew's Zsh Completions located at |
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So here's my first experience 😄 After loading completions with the method you mentioned above, I got this error with git completions.
turned into this
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Hello z-shell devs, I'm having the same issue that the author is having, the fixes suggested here haven't worked for me, with what I am sure that's because of something else that is conflicting in my Here are the contents of my # Fig pre block. Keep at the top of this file.
. "$HOME/.fig/shell/zshrc.pre.zsh"
export CLICOLOR=1
if [[ ! -f $HOME/.zi/bin/zi.zsh ]]; then
print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{160}Installing (%F{33}z-shell/zi%F{160})…%f"
command mkdir -p "$HOME/.zi" && command chmod g-rwX "$HOME/.zi"
command git clone -q --depth=1 --branch "main" https://github.com/z-shell/zi "$HOME/.zi/bin" && \
print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{34}Installation successful.%f%b" || \
print -P "%F{160}▓▒░ The clone has failed.%f%b"
source "$HOME/.zi/bin/zi.zsh"
autoload -Uz _zi
(( ${+_comps} )) && _comps[zi]=_zi
# examples here -> https://z.digitalclouds.dev/ecosystem/annexes
# zicompinit # <- https://z.digitalclouds.dev/docs/guides/commands
# zi has'brew' wait lucid id-as'brew-comps' as'completion' atclone'mkdir -p $ZPFX/brew_stuff; \
# command cp -f $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/^_* $ZPFX/brew_stuff; \
# zi creinstall -q $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions' atpull'%atclone' \
# atload'fpath=( ${(u)fpath[@]:#$ZPFX/share/zsh/*} ); fpath+=( $ZPFX/brew_stuff )' for \
# z-shell/null
# theme
zi ice pick"async.zsh" src"pure.zsh"
zi light sindresorhus/pure
# fzf
zi ice lucid wait has'fzf'
zi light Aloxaf/fzf-tab
# Completions
zi pack for brew-completions
zi wait lucid for \
atinit"ZI[COMPINIT_OPTS]=-C; zicompinit; zicdreplay" \
z-shell/F-Sy-H \
blockf \
zsh-users/zsh-completions \
atload"!_zsh_autosuggest_start" \
zi ice lucid wait as'completion' blockf has'pandoc'
zi light srijanshetty/zsh-pandoc-completion
zi ice lucid wait as'completion' blockf has'mpv'
zi snippet https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/etc/_mpv.zsh
# zi ice lucid wait as'completion' blockf mv'git-completion.zsh -> _git'
# zi snippet https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/completion/git-completion.zsh
zi wait lucid as'completion' blockf mv'*.zsh -> _git' for \
# zi wait lucid as'completion' blockf mv'*.zsh -> $ZPFX/brew_stuff/_git' \
# atload'zstyle ':completion:*:*:git:*' script $ZPFX/brew_stuff/_git' for \
# felipec/git-completion
zi ice lucid wait as'completion' blockf has'ffmpeg'
zi snippet https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh/blob/master/Completion/Unix/Command/_ffmpeg
zi ice lucid wait as'completion' blockf has'pip'
zi snippet "$SHELL_COMMON/zsh/completions/_pip"
zi light z-shell/z-a-bin-gem-node
zi pack for ls_colors
zi pack"bgn" git for pyenv
# pyenv virtualenv
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
# Created by `pipx` on 2022-05-07 05:17:06
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/ogi/.local/bin"
export EDITOR="subl"
# Fig post block. Keep at the bottom of this file.
. "$HOME/.fig/shell/zshrc.post.zsh" The issue is when I go to a git repo and try and use any kind of tab completion I get this kind output: ~/some/git/repo
❯ git rm doc<TAB>
_git:.:48: no such file or directory:
__git_zsh_bash_func:8: command not found: __git_aliased_command
> Things do work if I remove this bit of my zi wait lucid for \
atinit"ZI[COMPINIT_OPTS]=-C; zicompinit; zicdreplay" \
z-shell/F-Sy-H \
blockf \
zsh-users/zsh-completions \
atload"!_zsh_autosuggest_start" \
zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions but then I lose my pretty coloring 😄 In case it helps, I'm on macOS 12.3.1, I'm using fig with iTerm2. Thanks for making an awesome product! EDIT: similar issue here: zdharma-continuum/zinit#124 |
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So here's my first experience 😄
After loading completions with the method you mentioned above, I got this error with git completions.
turned into this