├── datasets
| └── Train
| └── Test
| ├── Set5
| └── Set14
|── configs.py
|── networks.py
|── train.py
|── utils.py
└── README.md
- place the datasets(training:91 images, testing: Set5 and Set14) to datastes directory \
- running ultis.py to generate the traning dataset(h5 file)
- running train.py to start training the dataset could be obtained from this url(http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/SRCNN/SRCNN_train.zip)
The iteration was set to 400,000,000. In the papper "Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution, in Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision the iteration was set 10 1,200,000,000
this version exsist some problems which lead to bad psnr
to be continue...