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LibXMTP Swift

Swift Package and Cocoapod that wraps an XCFramework emitted by the bindings_ffi crate in libxmtp


NOTE: This package is NOT meant to be directly consumed by end users. Instead see xmtp-ios which depends upon this package.

Process for updating from a libxmtp Swift Binding Release (work in progress!)

  1. From libxmtp repo, go to Action => Release Swift Bindings => Run workflow (select branch to release from)
  2. Verify success in libxmtp releases
  3. Create a new branch in the libxmtp-swift repo
  4. With libxmtp repo and libxmtp-swift (this repo) cloned locally in sibling directories, and libxmtp checked out to the correct release commit, run the script (this should update libxmtp-swift/Sources directory):
  5. Update LibXMTP.podspec version, and then point s.source url to from the libxmtp release you created (verify the podspec is correct using the command pod spec lint LibXMTP.podspec)
  6. Update Package.swift binary target url to point to the same from the step above
  7. Update the Package.swift checksum to the checksum from the from the libxmtp release you created
  8. Create a PR and merge to libxmtp-swift main branch
  9. Tag your commit on main using the value of the s.version from the LibXMTP.podspec that you bumped earlier in step 5.
  10. Publish the Cocoapod using the command pod trunk push LibXMTP.podspec (see Cocoapod guide if you have not yet registered)

You should now be able to reference the Swift Package and Cocoapod from xmtp-ios using the format below.

For testing purposes

Reference in Package.swift:

.package(url: "", from: "0.0.1-beta0")

Reference in Podspec:

spec.dependency 'LibXMTP', '= 0.0.1-beta0'


│                                    │                             │                                 │
│  xmtp/libxmtp: Shared Rust Code    │  xmtp/libxmtp-swift         │ xmtp/xmtp-ios - iOS SDK         │
│    - xmtp-networking               │  - Git repo to host Swift   │ - Existing iOS xmtp SDK         │
│    - xmtp-proto                    │  Package                    │ - Consumes libxmtp-swift as     │
│    |                               │  - Also contains Podspec    │ a Cocoapod via spec.dependency  │
│    ---> bindings_swift             │  for LibXMTP pod            │                                 │
│                                    │    ┌──────────────────────┐ │                                 │
│ ┌──────────┐     ┌───────────────┐ │ ┌─►│-Package.swift        │ │                                 │
│ │xmtp-proto├────►│xmtp-networking│ │ │  │-LibXMTPRust.xcfra... │ │    ┌──────────────────┐         │
│ └──────────┘     └─────┬─────────┘ │ │  │-Sources/...          │ │    │ XMTP.podspec     │         │
│                        │           │ │  │ - [Generated files]  │ │    │ Package.swift    │         │
│        ┌───────────────▼────┐      │ │  └─────────┬────────────┘ │ ┌──► -                │         │
│        │libxmtp/            │      │ │            │  Swift Pkg   │ │  │ import LibXMTP   │         │
│        │  bindings_ffi      │      │ │            └──────────────┼─┘  │                  │         │
│        │   w/ uniffi        │      │ │               Github url  │    └────────┬─────────┘         │
│        └──────────┬─────────┘      │ ├────────┐      or Cocoapod │             │                   │
│                   │                │ │filecopy│                  ├─────────────▼───────────────────┤
│           Output: │                │ ├────────┘                  │xmtp/xmtp-react-native           │
│  ┌────────────────▼─────────┐      │ │                           │ - consumes xmtp/xmtp-ios        │
│  │ LibXMTPRust.xcframework  ├──────┼─┘                           │ as a Cocoapod                   │
│  └──────────────────────────┘      │                             │                                 │
│                                    │                             │                                 │