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214 lines (170 loc) · 8.95 KB

Command line tools

$> make cli
cd ../ && make cli && cd -
go build -tags sqlite,sqlite_vec,duckdb,ollama -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/compare-locations cmd/compare-locations/main.go
go build -tags sqlite,sqlite_vec,duckdb,ollama -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/index-locations cmd/index-locations/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-assign-concordances cmd/wof-assign-concordances/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-migrate-deprecated cmd/wof-migrate-deprecated/main.go
go build -mod vendor -ldflags="-s -w" -o bin/wof-process-duplicates cmd/wof-process-duplicates/main.go

Build tags

Location and vector database implementations are enabled through the use of Go build tags. The default Makefile cli target enables the following tags automatically: sqlite,sqlite_vec,duckdb,ollama.


Required to use the ChromemDatabase or the ChromemOllamaEmbedder implementations of the vector.Database and embeddings.Embedder interfaces, respectively, using the philippgille/chromem-go package.


Required to use the DuckDBDatabase implementations of the vector.Database and location.Database interfaces using the marcboeker/go-duckdb package.

If you encounter problems building the tools it might have something to do with the way go-duckdb is vendored. The best place to start debugging things is this section in the go-duckdb documentation.


Required to use the LlamafileEmbedder implementation of the embeddings.Embedder interface, using the llamafile REST API.


Required to use the OllamaEmbedder implementation of the embeddings.Embedder interface, using the Ollama REST API.


Required to use the OpensearchDatabase implementation of the vector.Database interface, using the opensearch-project/opensearch-go package.


Required to use the SQLDatabase implementation of the location.Database interface using the mattn/go-sqlite3 package.


Required to use the SQLiteDatabase implementation of the vector.Database interface using the asg017/sqlite-vec-go-bindings package.



Compare two location databases and emit matching records as CSV-encoded rows.

$> ./bin/compare-locations -h
Compare two location databases and emit matching records as CSV-encoded rows.
	 ./bin/compare-locations [options]
Valid options are:
  -monitor-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/go-timings.Monitor URI. (default "counter://PT60S")
  -source-location-database-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-dedupe/location.Database URI.
  -target-location-database-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-dedupe/location.Database URI.
  -threshold float
    	The threshold value for matching records. Whether this value is greater than or lesser than a matching value will be dependent on the vector database in use. (default 4)
  -vector-database-dsn string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-dedupe/vector.Database DSN string. If the parameter contains the string "{geohash}" then that string will be replaced, at runtime, with the value of the geohash being compared. This will have the effect of creating a vector database per geohash. This value will be used to replace any "{vector-database-dsn}" strings in the -vector-database-uri flag. (default "{tmp}{geohash}.db?cache=shared&mode=memory")
  -vector-database-embedder-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-dedupe/embeddings.Embedder URI. This value will be used to replace any "{vector-database-embedder-uri}" strings in the -vector-database-uri flag. (default "ollama://?model={vector-database-model}")
  -vector-database-model string
    	The name of the model to use comparing records in the location database against records in the vector database. This value will be used to replace any "{vector-database-model}" strings in the -vector-database-uri and -vector-database-embedder-uri flags. (default "mxbai-embed-large")
  -vector-database-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-dedupe/vector.Database URI. (default "sqlite://?model={vector-database-model}&dsn={vector-database-dsn}&embedder-uri={vector-database-embedder-uri}&max-distance=4&max-results=10&dimensions=1024&compression=none")
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.
  -workers int
    	The number of simultaneous worker processes to use. (default 10)

For example:

$> ./bin/compare-locations \
	-source-location-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=/usr/local/data/whosonfirst-ny.db' \
	-target-location-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=/usr/local/data/whosonfirst-ny.db' \
	-workers 50 \
	> /usr/local/data/wof-wof-ny.csv


Populate (index) a location database from data/provider source..

$> ./bin/index-locations -h
Populate (index) a location database from data/provider source..
	 ./bin/index-locations [options] uri(N) uri(N)
 Valid options are:
  -iterator-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-dedupe/iterator.Iterator URI.
  -location-database-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-dedupe/location.Database URI.
  -location-parser-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-dedupe/location.Parser URI.
  -monitor-uri string
    	A valid sfomuseum/go-timings.Monitor URI. (default "counter://PT60S")
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.

For example:

$> ./bin/index-locations \
	-iterator-uri whosonfirst:// \
	-location-parser-uri whosonfirstvenues:// \
	-location-database-uri 'sql://sqlite3?dsn=/usr/local/data/whosonfirst-ny.db&max-conns=1' \


Assign concordances from a data/provider source to a Who's On First repository..

$> ./bin/wof-assign-concordances -h
Assign concordances from a data/provider source to a Who's On First repository..
	 ./bin/wof-assign-concordances [options] uri(N) uri(N)
Valid options are:
    	If true cast the concordance ID as an int64
  -concordance-namespace string
    	The namespace of the concordance being applied.
  -concordance-predicate string
    	The predicate of the concordance being applies. (default "id")
    	If true the addition of a cocordance will mark this record as mz:is_current=1
  -reader-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-reader.Reader URI for reading WOF records from.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.
  -whosonfirst-label string
    	The "label" used to identify WOF records. Valid options are: source, target. (default "target")
  -writer-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-writer.Writer URI for writing WOF records to.

For example:

$> ./bin/wof-assign-concordances \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-venue-us-ny \
	-writer-uri repo:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-venue-us-ny \
	-concordance-namespace ovtr \
	-concordance-predicate id \


Migrate deprecated records from one Who's On First repository to another.

$> ./bin/wof-migrate-deprecated -h
Migrate deprecated records from one Who's On First repository to another.
	 ./bin/wof-migrate-deprecated [options]
Valid options are:
  -source-repo string
    	The path to the Who's On First repository that deprecated records will be removed from.
  -target-repo string
    	The path to the Who's On First repository that deprecated records will be added from.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.

For example:

$> ./bin/wof-migrate-deprecated \
	-source-repo /usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-venue-us-ny \
	-target-repo /usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-deprecated-venue/


Process duplicate records in a Who's On First repository (which means deprecate and mark as superseding or superseded by where necessary).

$> ./bin/wof-process-duplicates -h
Process duplicate records in a Who's On First repository (which means deprecate and mark as superseding or superseded by where necessary).
	 ./bin/wof-process-duplicates [options] uri(N) uri(N)
Valid options are:
  -reader-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-reader.Reader URI that records to be processed will be read from.
    	Enable verbose (debug) logging.
  -writer-uri string
    	A valid whosonfirst/go-writer.Writer URI where updated records will be written to. (default "stdout://")

For example:

$> ./bin/wof-process-duplicates \
	-reader-uri repo:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-venue-us-ny \
	-writer-uri repo:///usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-venue-us-ny \