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File metadata and controls

178 lines (126 loc) · 6.72 KB

Contribution Guide

Thanks for your interest in our benchmark! This guide was made to help you develop your model that fits our benchmark quickly. If you have a other suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue. Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

1) Create a directory for new method main/MODEL_NAME

All codes for a model should be in the main/MODEL_NAME directory, including pretrained model. A is prefered to describe the method.

mkdir main/MODEL_NAME

2) Make an Optimizer class for your method

One should run the main/MODEL_NAME/ to optimize a property by:

python MODEL_NAME 

Within this file, the core code for optimization should be implemented in an optimizer class. One should inherit from BaseOptimizer defined in main/, in which defined all necessary infrastructures for a molecular optimization run:

from xxx import xxx 

class MODEL_NAME_Optimizer(BaseOptimizer):

    def __init__(self, args=None):
        ## Your model name, used for logging your results
        self.model_name = "model_name" 

    def _optimize(self, oracle, config): 
        The code for a function to optimize a oracle function with hyper-parameters defined in config
        ## This line is necessary

        ############# Your code to optimize an oracle function #############
        ############################## START ###############################

        ## Initialization
        population_size = config["population_size"]

        ## A typical iterative optimization loop
        for it in range(iterations):

        	## Search for next batch to evaluate
            population = model(old_population)

	        ## Score the smiles strings with, with either a list of SMILES or a SMILES as input
            ## Doing so automatically:
            ##     1) scores the new input molecules and retrieves values for old ones
            ##     2) saves results to self.mol_buffer for logging and analyzing
            ##     3) logs the results to wandb with a predefined frequency
            ##     4) determins if we reached a predefined maximum number of oracle calls
    	    population_scores = 

            ## If we reached a predefined maximum number of oracle calls, break
            ## This line could be used in 
            if self.finish:

            ## or one could also use to check within a user-defined function with

            ## Once you decide to early-stop, you could use self.log_intermediate(finish=True) to fake a converged 
            ## line to maximum number of oracle calls for comparison purposes
            if converge: 

        ############################### END ################################

3) Copy a main function

After implementing your optimizer class, you could add the class to the file. Note the arguments in argparse are for task-level control, i.e., what type of runs, how many independent runs, optimize which oracle functions, etc. Hyper-parameters for molecular optimization algorithms should be defined in main/MODEL_NAME/hparams_default.yaml and their search space for tuning should be defined in main/MODEL_NAME/hparams_tune.yaml. We will explain them in the next section.

from import GB_GA_Optimizer
from import MODEL_NAME_Optimizer


    if args.method == 'graph_ga':
        Optimizer = GB_GA_Optimizer
    elif args.method == MODEL_NAME:
        Optimizer = MODEL_NAME_Optimizer

4) Hyperparameters

We separate hyperparameters for task-level control, defined from argparse, and algorithm-level control, defined from hparam_default.yaml. There is no clear boundary for them, but we reccomend one keep all hyperparameters in the self._optimize function as task-level.

  • running hyperparameter: parser argument.
  • default model hyperparameter: hparam_default.yaml
  • tuning model hyperparameter: hparam_tune.yaml

For algorithm-level hyperparameters, we adopt the stratforward yaml file format. One should define a default set of hyper-parameters in main/MODEL_NAME/hparam_default.yaml:

population_size: 50
offspring_size: 100
mutation_rate: 0.02
patience: 5
max_generations: 1000

And the search space for hyper-parameter tuning in main/MODEL_NAME/hparam_tune.yaml:

name: graph_ga
method: random
  goal: maximize
  name: avg_top100
    values: [20, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 150, 200]
    values: [50, 100, 200, 300]
    distribution: uniform
    min: 0
    max: 0.1
    value: 5
    value: 1000

We use the sweep function in wandb for a convenient visualization. The taml file should follow the format as above. Further detail is in this instruction.

5) Run with one-line bash command line

There are three types of runs defined in our code base:

  • simple: A single run for testing purposes for each oracle, is the defualt.
  • production: Multiple independent runs with various random seeds for each oracle.
  • tune: A hyper-parameter tuning over the search space defined in main/MODEL_NAME/hparam_tune.yaml for each oracle.
## run a single test run on qed with wandb logging online
python MODEL_NAME --wandb online
## specify multiple random seeds 
python MODEL_NAME --seed 0 1 2 
## run 5 runs with different random seeds on multuple oracles with wandb logging offline
python MODEL_NAME --task production --n_runs 5 --oracles qed 
## run a hyper-parameter tuning starting from smiles in a smi_file, 30 runs in total without wandb logging
python MODEL_NAME --task tune --n_runs 30 --smi_file XX --wandb disabled --other_args XX 

One can use argparse help to check the detail description of the arguments.

6) Logging metrics to wandb server

The default mode for wandb logging is offline for the speed and memory reasons. After finishing a run, one could syncronyze teh results to the server by running:

wandb sync PATH_TO/wandb/offline-run-20220406_182133-xxxxxxxx

To watch the results in time, one could turn the mode to online by flag wandb. To stop wandb logging, one could turn the mode to disabled by flag wandb.