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Docker compose parameters

Arjan edited this page May 9, 2024 · 5 revisions

Currently, parameters can be provided by command's arguments or by the OS's environment variables.

Mandatory :

Variable Description
GRDF_USERNAME Your GRDF login (ex : [email protected])
MQTT_HOST Hostname or ip adress of the MQTT broker

Optional :

Variable Description Default value
GRDF_STARTDATE Date from which to collect (max 3y back in time) '2020-01-01' (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
SCHEDULE_TIME Time for refreshing data everyday None (format: HH:MM)
MQTT_PORT Port of the MQTT broker 1883
MQTT_TOPIC Topic used as prefix gazpar
MQTT_CLIENTID Client id to be used for connexion to the MQTT broker gazou
MQTT_USERNAME Username to be used for connexion to the MQTT brokerr
MQTT_PASSWORD Password to be used for connexion to the MQTT broker
MQTT_QOS QOS for message publishing (0, 1 or 2) 1
MQTT_RETAIN Retain flag False
MQTT_SSL Enable MQTT SSL connexion False
STANDALONE_MODE Enable standalone publication mode True
HASS_DISCOVERY Enable Home assistant dicovery mode, requires prefix and device name False
HASS_PREFIX Home assistant topic prefix (HASS_DISCOVERY) homeassistant
HASS_DEVICE_NAME Home assistant device name (HASS_DISCOVERY) gazpar
HASS_LTS enable export to HA long Term Stats False
HASS_LTS_DELETE enable delete of Long Term Stats for all your PCE False
HASS_LTS_TOKEN HA Long Lived Access token from host below ""
HASS_LTS_URI Home assistant uri for LTS /api/services/recorder/import_statistics
HASS_LTS_HOST Home assistant server/host http://192.168.x.y:8123
THRESOLD_PERCENTAGE Percentage of the thresold to be reached 80
PRICE_PATH Path to price.csv file /data
PRICE_KWH_DEFAULT Energy price in € per kWh 0.04
PRICE_FIX_DEFAULT Fix price in € per day 0.0
INFLUXDB_ENABLE Activate export to Influxdb v2 False
INFLUXDB_HOST Host of influxdb
INFLUXDB_PORT Port of influxdb 8086
INFLUXDB_ORG Influxdb organization
INFLUXDB_BUCKET Influxdb bucket
INFLUXDB_TOKEN Influxdb token with read access to the bucket
INFLUXDB_HORIZON Number of days in the past to be write to Influxdb 0 (= all data)
DB_INIT Force reinitialization of the database False
DB_PATH Database path /data
DEBUG Enable debug mode False