dSPRINT can be run on a any x64 Linux machine (either a local desktop/laptop or on a cluster). The only requirements are a 64 bit Anaconda installation, and plenty of disk space (around 400G in a typical case).
If you don't already have Anaconda installed, use the instructions at https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual to download and install Anaconda for your platform. (Note: The lite version of Anaconda, miniconda will work just fine).
On a cluster environment, you may already have Anaconda available by way of Environment Modules. If you run:
module avail anaconda
module avail conda
and you see one or more entries returned, you can execute module load anaconda
or module load conda
to bring the
command in your PATH. If this is the first time you're using conda
, you will also want to execute conda init
which is a required step for recent versions of conda.
After cloning the code in this repository:
git clone https://github.com/vineetbansal/dsprint-pipeline.git
to the folder where you clone the repository (this folder will have the file environment.yml
and config.json
among others), and create a new conda environment where you can run the dSPRINT pipeline:
cd dsprint-pipeline
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the newly created environment, which is called dsprint3
conda activate dsprint3
Proceed to the Downloading Data tutorial.