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File metadata and controls

335 lines (287 loc) · 11.3 KB



Standalone word count program

  • The program loops through all the documents. For each document, the words are extracted one by one using a tokenization process. For each word, its corresponding entry in a multiset called wordCount is incremented by one. At the end, a display() function prints out all the entries in wordCount.
define wordCount as Multiset;
for each document in documentSet 
	T = tokenize( document )
	for each token in T
display( wordCount )

Distributed word count program

  • The central documents need to be split and different fractions of the documents need to be distributed to different machines
// first phase
define wordCount as Multiset;
for each document in documentSet 
	T = tokenize( document )
	for each token in T
display( wordCount )

// second phase
define totalWordCount as Multiset;
for each wordCount received from first phase
	multisetAdd( totalWordCount, wordCount )
  • Need to replace in-memory wordCount with a disk-based hashmap
  • Need to scale second phase
    • Need to partition the intermediate data (wordCount) from first phase.
    • Shuffle the partitions to the appropriate machines in second phase.

Interface structures

  • In order for mapping, reducing, partitioning, and shuffling to seamlessly work together, we need to agree on a common structure for the data being processed.
Phase Input Output
map <K1,V1> List(<K2, V2>)
reduce <K2,list(V2)> List(<K3, V3>)
  • Examples
    • Split: The input to your application must be structured as a list of (key/value) pairs, list (<k1,v1>). The input format for processing multiple files is usually list (<String filename, String file_content >). The input format for processing one large file, such as a log file, is list (<Integer line_number, String log_event >).
    • Map: The list of (key/value) pairs is broken up and each individual (key/value) pair, <k1, v1> is processed by calling the map function of the mapper. In practice, the key k1 is often ignored by the mapper. The mapper transforms each < k1,v1 > pair into a list of < k2, v2 > pairs. For word counting, the mapper takes < String filename, String file_content ;&gt and promptly ignores filename. It can output a list of < String word, Integer count >. The counts will be output as a list of < String word, Integer 1> with repeated entries.
    • Reduce: The output of all the mappers are aggregated into one giant list of < k2, v2 > pairs. All pairs sharing the same k2 are grouped together into a new (key/value) pair, < k2, list(v2) > The framework asks teh reducer to process each one of these aggregated (key/value) pairs individually.

MapReduce steps

  1. Input: The system reads the file from GFS
  2. Split: Splits up the data across different machines, such as by hash value (SHA1, MD5)
  3. Map: Each map task works on a split of data. The mapper outputs intermediate data.
  4. Transmission: The system-provided shuffle process reorganizes the data so that all {Key, Value} pairs associated with a given key go to the same machine, to be processed by Reduce.
  5. Reduce: Intermediate data of the same key goes to the same reducer.
  6. Output: Reducer output is stored.

Transmission in detail

  • Partition: Partition sorted output of map phase according to hash value. Write output to local disk.
    • Why local disk, not GFS (final input/output all inside GFS):
      • GFS can be too slow.
      • Do not require replication. Just recompute if needed.
  • External sorting: Sort each partition with external sorting.
  • Send: Send sorted partitioned data to corresponding reduce machines.
  • Merge sort: Merge sorted partitioned data from different machines by merge sort.

Word count MapReduce program

public class WordCount 

    public static class Map 
    	// Key is the file location
        public void map( String key, String value, OutputCollector<String, Integer> output ) 
            String[] tokens = value.split(" ");

            for( String word : tokens ) 
            	// the collector will batch operations writing to disk
                output.collect( word, 1 );

    public static class Reduce 
        public void reduce( String key, Iterator<Integer> values, OutputCollector<String, Integer> output )
            int sum = 0;
            while ( values.hasNext() ) 
                    sum +=;
            output.collect( key, sum );

Offline TopK

Algorithm level

  • HashMap + PriorityQueue
  • Parameters
    • n: number of records
    • m: number of distinct entries
    • K: target k
  • TC: O(n + mlgk) = O(n)
    • Count frequency: O(n)
    • Calculate top K: O(mlgk)
  • SC: O(n + k)
    • HashMap: O(n)
    • PriorityQueue: O(k)

System level

All data is kept in memory

  • Potential issues
    • Out of memory because all data is kept inside memory.
    • Data loss when the node has failure and powers off.
  • Solution: Replace hashmap with database
    • Store data in database
    • Update counter in database

Too slow for large amounts of data - MapReduce

  • Scenarios
    • Given a 10T word file, how to process (Need hash)
    • Each machine store word files, how to process (Need rehash)
class Pair
	String key;
	int value;

	Pair(String key, int value) {
		this.key = key;
		this.value = value;

public class TopKFrequentWords

	public static class Map
		public void map( String kkey, Document value, OutputCollector<String, Integer> output )
			int id =;
			StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer( "" );
			String content = value.content;
			String[] words = content.split( " " );
			for ( String word : words )
				if ( word.length() > 0 )
					output.collect( word, 1 );

	public static class Reduce
		private PriorityQueue<Pair> maxQueue = null;
		private int k;

		public void setup( int k )
			// initialize your data structure here
			this.k = k;
			maxQueue = new PriorityQueue<>( k, ( o1, o2 ) -> o2.value - o1.value );

		public void reduce( String key, Iterator<Integer> values )
			// Write your code here
			int sum = 0;
			while ( values.hasNext() )
				sum +=;

			Pair pair = new Pair( key, sum );
			if ( maxQueue.size() < k )
				maxQueue.add( pair );
				if ( maxQueue.peek().value < pair.value )
					maxQueue.add( pair );

		public void cleanup( OutputCollector<String, Integer> output )

			List<Pair> pairs = new ArrayList<>();
			while ( !maxQueue.isEmpty() )
				Pair qHead = maxQueue.poll();
				output.collect( qHead.key, qHead.value );				

Online TopK

Algorithm level


  • TC: O(nlgm)
  • SC: O(m)

HashMap + TreeMap

  • TC: O(nlgk)
    • Update hashMap O(n)
    • Update treeMap O(nlgk)
  • SC: O(n + k)
    • HashMap: O(n)
    • TreeMap: O(k)

Approximate algorithms with LFU cache

  • Data structure: DLL + HashMap
  • Algorithm complexity:
    • TC: O(n + k)
    • SC: O(n)

System level

All data is kept in memory

  • Problems and solutions are same with offline

Too slow for large amounts of data because of locking

  • Distribute the input stream among multiple machines 1, ..., N
  • Get a list of TopK from machines 1, ..., N
  • Merge results from the returned topK list to get final TopK.

Thundering herd problem

  • Problem: What if one key is too hot, writing frequency is very heavy on one node?
  • Solution: Add a cache layer to have a tradeoff between accuracy and latency. More speicifically, count how many times an item appears in a distributed way.
    • For each slave, maintain a local counter inside memory. Every 5 seconds, these slaves report to the master node. Namely, each slave will aggregate the statistics of 5 seconds and report to master. Then the master will update the database. Although the cache layer adds a five seconds latency, it does not have any central point of failure anymore.
    • What if the master node fails?
      • Use another machine to monitor the master, if the master dies, issue a command to restart the machine.

Low frequency words take up so much space

  • Solution: Approximate topK. Sacrifice accuracy for space
    • Flexible space
    • O(logk) time complexity
  • Disadvantage:
    • All low frequency will be hashed to same value, which will result in incorrect result (low possibility)
    • Some low frequency words will come later, which will have a great count, then replace other high frequency words (bloom filter)
      • HashMap will have 3 different hash functions
      • Choose the lowest count from hashmap

How to calculate topk recent X minutes


  • Write intensive like 20K QPS. NoSQL database suited for this purpose.
  • Do not need data persistence. Use in-memory data store.
    • Redis
    • Memcached
  • Redis supports more complex data structures
    • Use a key to sorted time mapping.
      • The keys are
      • The values are sorted set. The sorted set member is the Key and score is the count.

Multi-level bucket

  • One bucket maps to one key inside Redis.
  • How to calculate the records in last 5 minutes, 1 hour and 24 hours
    • 6 1-minute bucket
    • 13 5-min bucket
    • 25 1-hour bucket
  • Retention:
    • Every one minute, a background job will put the oldest 1-min bucket into 5-min bucket and reset the clear up the bucket.
    • Every five minutes, a background job will put the oldest 5-min bucket into 1-hour bucket and reset the clear up the bucket.
    • Every one hour, a background job will put the oldest 1-hour bucket into 1 hour bucket and reset the clear up the bucket.
  • How to get the latest 5 minutes: Merge the five key spaces

Final data structure

  • Multi-level bucket structure + TreeMap