- Fixed failed tests due vignette calling geoserver directly
- Fixed failed tests due to server migration
- Migrate back end to cloud instances
- Remove rgdal dependencies
- Update maintainer to Jeff Switzer
- New vignette, #8 on Data Cleaning
- Changes to reflect repository being transferred from ropensci to usa-npn in github
- Skipping more API-dependent unit tests.
- Skipping failing API-dependent unit tests and improved documentation.
- Fixing failing unit tests
- Fixing failing unit tests
- Graceful fails when NPN data services are unavailable
- Total overhaul of the rNPN package
- Added functions for directly downloading different observation record data types
- Added additional utility and lookup type functions
- Added functions for downloading USA-NPN raster data and geospatial values by latitude/longitude
- Deprecated the following functions: lookup_names, npn_allobssp, npn_indsatstations, npn_indspatstations, npn_species_comm, npn_species_itis, npn_species_sci, npn_stationsbystate, npn_stationswithspp
- released to CRAN