Real fake data. Allows creation of an entire schema of fake data that honors associations.
Forked for to adapt to Ruby 1.9.x (CSV library)
script/generate imposter => /test/imposter/[timestamp]_.yaml #YAML DSLs for the fake data generation
# YAMLs are executed in series order much like migrations
rake::imposter IMPOSTER=“products” #generate only the /test/fixtures/products.csv
rake::imposter #generate all /test/imposter/*.yaml to /test/fixtures
rake::imposter –force #generate all /test/imposter/-*.yaml to /test/fixtures to
overwrite any existing .csv
Imposter::Noun.noun => “apple” #random noun
Imposter::Verb.verbs(3) => “run tag jump” #random verbs string space delimited
#—For unit/integration/etl testing that require real but random addresses
- => “90210” #random real postal code
->“90210”) => “Beverly Hills” #real city name from zip
Imposter::CSZ.state_abbr(:zip=>“90210”) => “CA” #real 2 letter state abbreviation upper case
Imposter::CSZ.state_name(:zip=>“90210”) => “California” #Real State name Camelized
->“CA”) => “90115” #Random but real postal code from real state.