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finagle/finagle-memcached: Buf framer for Memcached
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As part of the move to Netty 4, we want framing in terms of Buf.


Introduce Buf framers in Memcached.

  • Loading branch information
jcrossley authored and jenkins committed Jul 7, 2016
1 parent 89ba5ee commit 06c69dc
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package com.twitter.finagle.netty3.codec

import com.twitter.finagle.Failure
import com.twitter.finagle.codec.FrameDecoder

* Frames Bufs into protocol frames
private[finagle] class FrameDecoderHandler(
framer: FrameDecoder[Buf]) extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler {

override def messageReceived(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, e: MessageEvent): Unit =
e.getMessage match {
case buf: Buf =>
val frames: IndexedSeq[Buf] = framer(buf)
var i = 0
while (i < frames.length) {
Channels.fireMessageReceived(ctx, frames(i))
i += 1
case msg => Channels.fireExceptionCaught(ctx, Failure(
"unexpected type when framing Buf." +
s"Expected Buf, got ${msg.getClass.getSimpleName}."))
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package com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text

import com.twitter.finagle.codec.FrameDecoder
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.util.ParserUtils
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

private[memcached] object Framer {

private sealed trait State
private case object AwaitingTextFrame extends State
private case class AwaitingDataFrame(bytesNeeded: Int) extends State

private val EmptySeq = IndexedSeq.empty[Buf]

private val TokenDelimiter: Byte = ' '

* Frames Bufs into Memcached frames. Memcached frames are one of two types;
* text frames and data frames. Text frames are delimited by `\r\n`. If a text
* frame starts with the token `VALUE`, a data frame will follow. The length of the
* data frame is given by the string representation of the third token in the
* text frame. The data frame also ends with `\r\n`.
* For more information, see
* To simplify the decoding logic, we have decoupled framing and decoding; however, because of the
* complex framing logic, we must partially decode messages during framing to frame correctly.
* @note Class contains mutable state. Not thread-safe.
private[memcached] trait Framer extends FrameDecoder[Buf] {
import Framer._

private[this] var accum: Buf = Buf.Empty

private[this] var state: State = AwaitingTextFrame

protected val byteArrayForBuf2Int: Array[Byte] = ParserUtils.newByteArrayForBuf2Int()

* Return the number of bytes before `\r\n` (newline), or -1 if no newlines found
private[this] def bytesBeforeLineEnd(bytes: Array[Byte]): Int = {
var i = 0
while (i < bytes.length - 1) {
if (bytes(i) == '\r' && bytes(i + 1) == '\n') {
return i
i += 1

* Using the current accumulation of Bufs, read the next frame. If no frame can be read,
* return null.
private def extractFrame(): Buf =
state match {
case AwaitingTextFrame =>
val frameLength = bytesBeforeLineEnd(Buf.ByteArray.Owned.extract(accum))
if (frameLength < 0) {
} else {

// We have received a text frame. Extract the frame.
val frameBuf: Buf = accum.slice(0, frameLength)

// Remove the extracted frame from the accumulator, stripping the newline (2 chars)
accum = accum.slice(frameLength + 2, accum.length)

val tokens = ParserUtils.split(Buf.ByteArray.Owned.extract(frameBuf), TokenDelimiter)

val bytesNeeded = dataLength(tokens)

// If the frame starts with "VALUE", we expect a data frame to follow,
// of length `bytesNeeded`.
if (bytesNeeded != -1) state = AwaitingDataFrame(bytesNeeded)
case AwaitingDataFrame(bytesNeeded) =>

// A data frame ends with `\r\n', so we must wait for `bytesNeeded + 2` bytes.
if (accum.length >= bytesNeeded + 2) {

// Extract the data frame
val frameBuf: Buf = accum.slice(0, bytesNeeded)

// Remove the extracted frame from the accumulator, stripping the newline (2 chars)
accum = accum.slice(bytesNeeded + 2 , accum.length)
state = AwaitingTextFrame
} else {

* Frame a Buf and any accumulated partial frames into as many Memcached frames as possible.
def apply(buf: Buf): IndexedSeq[Buf] = {
accum = accum.concat(buf)
var frame = extractFrame()

if (frame != null) {
// The average Gizmoduck memcached pipeline has 0-1 requests pending, and the average server
// response is split into 2 memcached protocol frames, so we chose 2 as the initial array
// size.
val frames = new ArrayBuffer[Buf](2)
do {
frames += frame
frame = extractFrame()
} while (frame != null)

} else {

* Given a sequence of Buf tokens that comprise a Memcached frame,
* return the length of data expected in the next frame, or -1
* if the length cannot be extracted.
def dataLength(tokens: IndexedSeq[Buf]): Int
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package com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text.client

import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text.Framer
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.util.ParserUtils._

private object ClientFramer {
val Value = Buf.Utf8("VALUE")

private[finagle] class ClientFramer extends Framer {
import ClientFramer._

// The data length is the 4th token, interpreted as an Int.
def dataLength(tokens: IndexedSeq[Buf]): Int =
if (tokens.nonEmpty) {
val responseName = tokens.head
if (responseName == Value && tokens.length >= 4) {
val dataLengthAsBuf = tokens(3)
dataLengthAsBuf.write(byteArrayForBuf2Int, 0)
byteArrayStringToInt(byteArrayForBuf2Int, dataLengthAsBuf.length)
} else -1
} else -1
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package com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text.server

import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text.Framer
import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.util.ParserUtils

private[finagle] class ServerFramer(storageCommands: Set[Buf]) extends Framer {

// The data length is the 5th token, interpreted as an Int.
def dataLength(tokens: IndexedSeq[Buf]): Int =
if (tokens.nonEmpty) {
val commandName = tokens.head
if (storageCommands.contains(commandName) && tokens.length >= 5) {
val dataLengthAsBuf = tokens(4)
dataLengthAsBuf.write(byteArrayForBuf2Int, 0)
ParserUtils.byteArrayStringToInt(byteArrayForBuf2Int, dataLengthAsBuf.length)
} else -1
} else -1
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package com.twitter.finagle.memcached.util
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

object ParserUtils {

Expand All @@ -13,6 +14,9 @@ object ParserUtils {

val DigitsPattern = Pattern.compile(DIGITS)

// Used by byteArrayStringToInt. The maximum length of a non-negative Int in chars
private[this] val MaxLengthOfIntString = Int.MaxValue.toString.length

* Returns true if every readable byte in the ChannelBuffer is a digit,
* false otherwise.
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private[memcached] def split(bytes: Array[Byte], delimiter: Byte): IndexedSeq[Buf] = {
val split = new ArrayBuffer[Buf](6)
var segmentStart = 0
var segmentEnd = 0
while (segmentEnd < bytes.length) {
if (bytes(segmentEnd) == delimiter) {
if (segmentEnd != 0)
split += Buf.ByteArray.Owned(bytes, segmentStart, segmentEnd)
segmentStart = segmentEnd + 1
segmentEnd = segmentStart
} else {
segmentEnd += 1
if (segmentStart != segmentEnd) {
split += Buf.ByteArray.Owned(bytes, segmentStart, segmentEnd)

private[memcached] def newByteArrayForBuf2Int() = new Array[Byte](MaxLengthOfIntString)

* Converts `length` characters of a Byte Array, representing a non-negative integer in chars,
* to a base 10 Int.
* Returns -1 if any of the characters are not digits, or the length is invalid
private[memcached] def byteArrayStringToInt(bytes: Array[Byte], length: Int): Int = {
if (length < 0 || length > MaxLengthOfIntString || length > bytes.length) -1
else {
var num = 0
var multiple = 1
var i = length - 1 // Start at the least significant digit and move left
while (i >= 0) {
if (bytes(i) >= '0' && bytes(i) <= '9')
num += (bytes(i) - '0') * multiple
return -1
i -= 1
multiple *= 10

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Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ class MemcachedTest extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter {
assert(Await.result(client.get("foo")).get == Buf.Utf8("bar"))

test("set with data containing newline") {
Await.result(client.set("foo", Buf.Utf8("bar\r\nbaz\r\nqux\r\n")), 2.seconds)
assert(Await.result(client.get("foo"), 2.seconds).get == Buf.Utf8("bar\r\nbaz\r\nqux\r\n"))

test("get") {
Await.result(client.set("foo", Buf.Utf8("bar")))
Await.result(client.set("baz", Buf.Utf8("boing")))
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package com.twitter.finagle.memcached.unit.protocol.text

import com.twitter.finagle.memcached.protocol.text.client.ClientFramer
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner

class FramerTest extends FunSuite {

test("return empty frame sequence on partial frame") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("STO")) == Seq.empty)

test("frame response without data") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("STORED\r\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("STORED")))

test("accumulate partial response frame") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("STORED")))

test("accumulate response frame after returning frame") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("ORED\r\nNOT_ST")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("STORED")))
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("ORED\r\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("NOT_STORED")))

test("Frame multiple frames") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("STORED\r\nNOT_STORED\r\n")) ==
Seq(Buf.Utf8("STORED"), Buf.Utf8("NOT_STORED")))

test("Frame data frame") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("VALUE foo 0 10\r\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("VALUE foo 0 10")))
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("abcdefghij\r\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("abcdefghij")))

test("accumulate partial data frames") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("VALUE foo 0 10\r\nabc")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("VALUE foo 0 10")))
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("j\r\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("abcdefghij")))

test("accumulate response after framing data frame") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("VALUE foo 0 3\r\nabc\r\nSTO")) ==
Seq(Buf.Utf8("VALUE foo 0 3"), Buf.Utf8("abc")))
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("RED\r\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("STORED")))

test("Don't frame data frame until newlines are received") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
framer(Buf.Utf8("VALUE foo 0 3\r\n"))
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("abc")) == Seq.empty)
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("\r\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("abc")))

test("Ignore newlines in the middle of data frames") {
val framer = new ClientFramer
framer(Buf.Utf8("VALUE foo 0 10\r\n"))
assert(framer(Buf.Utf8("abc\r\ndef\r\n\r\n")) == Seq(Buf.Utf8("abc\r\ndef\r\n")))

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