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All notable changes to this library are documented in this file.

[6.1.0] - 04.10.2024

  • Update of PrecisionStats in ckks/precision.go:
    • The precision is now computed as the min/max/average/... of the log of the error (instead of the log of the min/max/average/... of the error).
    • fields renamed (MinPrecision -> MINLog2Prec, MaxPrecision -> MAXLog2Prec, ...)
    • rlwe.Scale has a .Log2() method
  • Update of mod1.Parameters fields (made public, some removed)
  • Improvement of the relinearization key-generation protocol (reduce the degree of the shares)
  • Serialization of bootstrapping keys
  • Lower noise incurred by ModUp
  • Evaluation keys can be compressed (public element a can be generated from a seed)
  • More doc formatting
  • Fix various bugs:
    • ShallowCopy of the CKKS bootstrapping evaluator and BFV evaluator not deep enough.
    • PSI example failing
    • Incorrect reset of pointer in uniform sampler
    • Error when doing inverse NTT with small degree
    • Mod1Evaluator changes the input ciphertext

[6.0.0] - 06.08.2024

  • Deprecated Go versions 1.18, 1.19 and 1.20. The minimum version is now 1.21, due to the use of the slices of std library package.
    • Removal of all slice utility functions in utils/slices.go that are provided in the standard library.
  • Golang test cache is deleted before invoking the unit test suite via make test.
  • Deletion of the he package and its abstraction layers for the BGV and CKKS, refocus of the library onto the scheme level, i.e., the schemes package.
  • Extraction of the homomorphic circuits from the he into a new circuits package.
    • Simplification of the API for several circuits:
      • Removal of the circuit-specific evaluator interfaces, e.g., EvaluatorForLinearTransformation. These interfaces are replaced with a scheme-agnostic evaluator in schemes/schemes.go due to the refocus of the Lattigo towards the individual cryptosystems.
      • The individual homomorphic circuits are organized by schemes, in other words in the packages circuits/bgv, circuits/ckks and circuits/common where the latter bundles scheme-generic functionalities of circuits common to all deriving schemes.
  • Absorb the bfv package into the bgv package.
  • Rename mhe into multiparty.
  • Slot-wise permutations as part of the LinearTransformation circuits:
    • Permutation are handled through lintrans.Permutation and lintrans.PermutationMapping that induce lintrans.Diagonals from which a regular linear transformation can be bootstrapped.
  • New ring packing API:
    • New packing evaluator: rlwe.RingPackingEvaluator:
      • NewRingPackingEvaluator(evk *RingPackingEvaluationKey)
      • Extract(ct *rlwe.Ciphertext, idx []int, naive bool) (cts map[int]*rlwe.Ciphertext, err error)
      • Repack(cts map[int]*rlwe.Ciphertext, naive bool) (ct *rlwe.Ciphertext, err error)
      • Split(ctN, ctEvenNHalf, ctOddNHalf *rlwe.Ciphertext) (err error)
      • Merge(ctEvenNHalf, ctOddNHalf, ctN *rlwe.Ciphertext) (err error)
      • ShallowCopy() *RingPackingEvaluator
    • New packing evaluation key:
      • rlwe.RingPackingEvaluationKey
  • Streamlined unit test context generation to reduce boilerplate code duplication:
    • schemes/*/test_utils.go to be reused in packages schemes and packages that depend on schemes.
  • Introduction of the lintrans.Parameters.LevelQ and lintrans.Parameters.LevelP fields and the removal of the lintrans.Parameters.Level field.
  • Optimizations:
    • Reduce the number of masking operations in rlwe.Evaluator.gadgetProductSinglePAndBitDecompLazy.
    • Reduce degree of relinearization key shares in multiparty/keygen_relin.go.
  • Add gosec exception directive to weak randomness in unit tests.
  • Fix various linter warnings.
  • Various docstring formatting fixes and the addition of godoc links through the [] operator.
  • Updated with new package hierarchy figures lattigo-hierachy.svg and new issue policy.

[5.0.0] - 15.11.2023

  • Deprecated Go versions 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, and 1.17. The minimum version is now 1.18, due to the required use of generics.
  • Golang Security Checker pass.
  • Dereferenced most inputs and pointers methods whenever possible. Pointers methods/inputs are now mostly used when the struct implementing the method and/or the input is intended to be modified.
  • Improved serialization interface:
    • Low-entropy structs (such as parameters or rings) have been updated to use more compatible json.Marshal as underlying marshaller.
    • High-entropy structs, such as structs storing keys or encrypted values now all satisfy the following interface:
      • WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error): writes the object to a standard io.Writer interface. The method is optimized and most efficient when writing on writers that expose their own internal buffer (see the buffer.Writer interface).
      • ReadFrom(io.Reader) (int64, error): reads an object from a standard io.Reader interface. The method is optimized and most efficient when reading from readers that expose their own internal buffers (see the buffer.Writer interface).
      • MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error): the previously available, standard encoding.BinaryMarshaler interface.
      • UnmarshalBinary([]byte) (error): the previously available, standard encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interface.
      • BinarySize() int: size in bytes when written to an io.Writer or when marshalled.
    • Streamlined and simplified all tests related to serialization. They can now be implemented with a single line of code with RequireSerializerCorrect that checks the correctness of the above interface as well as equality between bites written using WriteTo and bytes generated using MarshalBinary.
  • Improved consistency across method names and across packages/schemes:
    • All sub-strings NoMod, NoModDown and Constant in method names have been replaced by the sub-string Lazy. For example AddNoMod and MulCoeffsMontgomeryConstant become AddLazy and MulCoeffsMontgomeryLazy respectively.
    • All sub-strings And in methods names have been replaced by the sub-string Then. For example MulAndAdd becomes MulThenAdd.
    • All sub-strings Inv have been replaced by I for consistency. For example InvNTT becomes INTT.
    • All sub-strings Params and equivalent, referring to pre-computed constants, have been replaced by Constant. For example ModUpParams becomes ModUpConstants.
  • New top-level packages that provide a more convenient and streamlined user-interface to HE:
    • he: Package he defines common high-level interfaces and implements common high-level operations in a scheme-agnostic way.
      • The common operations in Linear Transformations
      • The common operations in Polynomial Evaluation
    • he/hefloat: Package hefloat implements fixed-point approximate encrypted arithmetic over real/complex numbers. This package provides all the functionalities of the schemes/ckks package, as well as additional more advanced circuits, such as:
      • Linear Transformations
      • Homomorphic encoding/decoding
      • Polynomial Evaluation
      • Composite Minimax Polynomial Evaluation
      • Homomorphic modular reduction (x mod 1)
      • GoldschmidtDivision (x in [0, 2])
      • Full domain division (x in [-max, -min] U [min, max])
      • Sign and Step piece-wise functions (x in [-1, 1] and [0, 1] respectively)
      • Min/Max between values in [-0.5, 0.5]
    • he/hefloat/bootstrapper: Package bootstrapper implements bootstrapping for fixed-point approximate homomorphic encryption over the real/complex numbers. It improves on the original implementation with the following features:
      • Bootstrapping batches of ciphertexts of smaller dimension and/or with sparse packing with automatic ring-degree switching and $0$-depth packing/unpacking.
      • Bootstrapping for the Conjugate Invariant CKKS with optimal throughput.
      • Decorrelation between the bootstrapping parameters and residual parameters: the user doesn't need to manage two sets of parameters anymore and the user only needs to provide the residual parameters (what should remain after the evaluation of the bootstrapping circuit)
      • Out-of-the-box usability with default parameterization independent of the residual parameters.
      • In-depth parameterization for advanced users with 16 tunable parameters.
      • Improved implementation of META-BTS, providing arbitrary precision bootstrapping from only one additional small prime.
    • he/heint: Package heint implements encrypted modular arithmetic over the integers.
      • Linear Transformations
      • Polynomial Evaluation
    • he/hebin: Packagehebin implements blind rotations evaluation for R-LWE schemes.
  • Moved the default parameters of all schemes to the examples package, where they are now referred to as example parameter sets to better convey the idea that they should not be used as such in real applications.
  • BFV:
    • The code of the package bfv has been replaced by a wrapper of the package bgv and moved to the package schemes/bfv.
  • BGV:
    • The code the bgv package has been moved to the package schemes/bfv
    • The package bgv has been rewritten to implement a unification of the textbook BFV and BGV schemes under a single scheme. This unification offers all the functionalities of the BFV and BGV schemes under a single scheme.
    • Changes to the Encoder:
      • NewEncoder now returns an *Encoder instead of an interface.
      • Updated and uniformized the Encoder API. It now satisfies the generic he.Encoder interface.
      • The encoding will be performed according to the plaintext MetaData.
    • Changes to the Evaluator:
      • NewEvaluator now returns an *Evaluator instead of an interface.
      • Updated and uniformized the Evaluator API. It now satisfies the generic he.Evaluator interface.
    • Changes to the Parameters:
      • Enabled plaintext moduli with a smaller 2N-th root of unity than the ring degree.
      • Replaced the default parameters by a single example parameter.
      • Added a test parameter set with small plaintext modulus.
  • CKKS:
    • The code of the ckks package has been moved to the package schemes/ckks.
    • Changes to the Encoder:
      • Enabled the encoding of plaintexts of any sparsity (previously hard-capped at a minimum of 8 slots).
      • Unified encoderComplex128 and encoderBigComplex.
      • Updated and uniformized the EncoderAPI. It now satisfies the generic he.Encoder interface.
      • The encoding will be performed according to the plaintext MetaData.
    • Changes to the Evaluator:
      • NewEvaluator now returns an *Evaluator instead of an interface.
      • Updated and uniformized the Evaluator API. It now satisfies the generic he.Evaluator interface.
      • Improved and generalized the internal implementation of the Evaluator to enable arbitrary precision encrypted arithmetic.
    • Changes to the Parameters:
      • Replaced the default parameters by a single example parameter.
      • Renamed the field LogScale of the ParametersLiteralStruct to LogPlaintextScale.
    • Changes to the tests:
      • Tests do not use the default parameters anymore but specific and optimized test parameters.
      • Added two test parameters TESTPREC45 for 45-bit precision and TESTPREC90 for 90-bit precision.
    • Others:
      • Updated the Chebyshev interpolation with arbitrary precision arithmetic and moved the code to utils/bignum/approximation.
  • RLWE:
    • The package rlwe has been moved to core/rlwe.
    • The package ringqp has been moved to ring/ringqp.
    • Changes to the Parameters:
      • It is now possible to specify both the secret and error distributions via the Xs and Xe fields of the ParameterLiteral struct.
      • Removed the concept of rotation, everything is now defined in terms of Galois elements.
      • Renamed methods to better reflect their purpose and to generalize them.
      • Added methods related to plaintext parameters and noise.
      • Removed the field Pow2Base which is now a parameter of the struct EvaluationKey.
    • Changes to the Encryptor:
      • EncryptorPublicKey and EncryptorSecretKey are now public.
      • Encryptors instantiated with a rlwe.PublicKey can now encrypt over rlwe.ElementInterface[ringqp.Poly] (i.e. generating of rlwe.GadgetCiphertext encryptions of zero with rlwe.PublicKey).
    • Changes to the Decryptor:
      • NewDecryptor returns a *Decryptor instead of an interface.
    • Changes to the Evaluator:
      • Updated all methods of the Evaluator to work with operands in and out of the NTT domain.
      • Renamed SwitchKeys to ApplyEvaluationKey.
      • Renamed Evaluator.Merge to Evaluator.Pack and generalized Evaluator.Pack to be able to take into account the packing X^{N/n} of the ciphertext.
      • Evaluator.Pack is not recursive anymore and gives the option to zero (or not) slots which are not multiples of X^{N/n}.
      • Added the methods CheckAndGetGaloisKey and CheckAndGetRelinearizationKey to safely check and get the corresponding EvaluationKeys.
      • Added the method InnerFunction, which applies a user-defined bi-operand function on the Ciphertext with a tree-like combination.
    • Changes to the Keys structs:
      • Added EvaluationKeySet, which enables users to provide custom loading/saving/persistence policies and implementation for the EvaluationKeys.
      • SwitchingKey has been renamed EvaluationKey to better convey that these are public keys used during the evaluation phase of a circuit. All methods and variable names have been renamed accordingly.
      • The struct RotationKeySet holding a map of SwitchingKeys has been replaced by the struct GaloisKey holding a single EvaluationKey.
      • The RelinearizationKey type now stores a single GSW-like encryption of s^2, which is what the schemes' relinearization methods currently support.
    • Changes to the KeyGenerator:
      • The NewKeyGenerator returns a *KeyGenerator instead of an interface.
      • Simplified the KeyGenerator: methods to generate specific sets of rlwe.GaloisKey have been removed. Instead, the corresponding method on rlwe.Parameters allows to get the appropriate GaloisElements.
      • Improved the API consistency of the rlwe.KeyGenerator. Methods that allocate elements have the suffix New. Added corresponding in-place methods.
      • It is now possible to generate rlwe.EvaluationKey, rlwe.GaloisKey and rlwe.RelinearizationKey at specific levels (for both Q and P) and with a specific BaseTwoDecomposition by passing the corresponding pre-allocated key.
    • Changes to the MetaData:
      • Content of the MetaData struct is now divided into PlaintextMetaData and CiphertextMetaData.
      • PlaintextMetaData contains the fields:
        • Scale
        • LogDimensions: represents the concept of plaintext algebra dimensions (e.g. BGV/BFV = [2, n] and CKKS = [1, n/2])
        • IsBatched: Boolean indicating if the plaintext is batched or not.
      • CiphertextMetaData contains the fields:
        • IsNTT: Boolean indicating whether the ciphertext is in the NTT domain.
        • IsMontgomery: Boolean indicating whether the ciphertext is in the Montgomery domain.
    • Changes to the tests:
      • Added accurate noise bounds for the tests.
      • Substantially increased the test coverage of rlwe (for both the amount of operations and parameters).
      • Substantially increased the number of benchmarked operations in rlwe.
    • Other changes:
      • Added generic Element[T] which serves as a common underlying type for ciphertext types.
      • The argument level is now optional for NewCiphertext and NewPlaintext.
      • EvaluationKey (and all parent structs) and GadgetCiphertext now take an optional argument rlwe.EvaluationKeyParameters that allows to specify the level Q and P and the BaseTwoDecomposition.
      • Allocating zero rlwe.EvaluationKey, rlwe.GaloisKey and rlwe.RelinearizationKey now takes an optional struct rlwe.EvaluationKeyParameters specifying the levels Q and P and the BaseTwoDecomposition of the key.
      • Changed []*ring.Poly to structs.Vector[ring.Poly] and []ringqp.Poly to structs.Vector[ringqp.Poly].
      • Replaced the struct CiphertextQP by Element[ringqp.Poly].
      • Added basic interface description for Parameters, Encryptor, PRNGEncryptor, Decryptor, Evaluator and PolynomialEvaluator.
      • All structs that can be serialized now implement the method V Equal(V) bool.
      • Setting to negative values the Hamming weight of the secret or the standard deviation of the error through NewParameters will instantiate these fields as zero values and return a warning (as an error).
  • DRLWE:
    • The package drlwe has been renamed mhe.
    • Renamed: - NewCKGProtocol to NewPublicKeyGenProtocol. - NewRKGProtocol to NewRelinKeyGenProtocol. - NewCKSProtocol to NewGaloisKeyGenProtocol. - NewRTGProtocol to NewKeySwitchProtocol. - NewPCKSProtocol to NewPublicKeySwitchProtocol.
    • Replaced [dbfv/dbfv/dckks].MaskedTransformShare by drlwe.RefreshShare.
    • Added EvaluationKeyGenProtocol to enable users to generate generic rlwe.EvaluationKey (previously only the GaloisKey).
    • It is now possible to specify the levels of the modulus Q and P, as well as the BaseTwoDecomposition via the optional struct rlwe.EvaluationKeyParameters, when generating rlwe.EvaluationKey, rlwe.GaloisKey and rlwe.RelinearizationKey.
    • Arbitrarily large smudging noise is now supported.
    • Fixed CollectiveKeySwitching and PublicCollectiveKeySwitching smudging noise to not be rescaled by P.
    • Tests and benchmarks in package other than the RLWE and DRLWE packages that were merely wrapper of methods of the RLWE or DRLWE have been removed and/or moved to the RLWE and DRLWE packages.
    • Improved the GoDoc of the protocols.
    • Added accurate noise bounds for the tests.
  • DBFV:
    • The package dbfv, which was merely a wrapper of the package dbgv, has been removed.
  • DBGV:
    • The package dbgv has been renamed mheint and moved to mhe/mheint.
  • DCKKS:
    • The package dckks has been renamed mhefloat and moved to mhe/mhefloat.
  • RGSW:
    • The package rgsw has been moved to core/rgsw.
    • Expanded the encryptor to be able encrypt from an rlwe.PublicKey.
    • Added tests for encryption and external product.
  • RING:
    • Changes to sampling:
      • Updated Gaussian sampling to work with arbitrary size standard deviation and bounds.
      • Added a generic Sampler interface.
    • Added finite field polynomial interpolation.
    • Re-enabled NTT for ring degree smaller than 16.
    • Replaced Log2OfInnerSum by Log2OfStandardDeviation in the ring package, which returns the log2 of the standard deviation of the coefficients of a polynomial.
    • Renamed Permute[...] by Automorphism[...] in the ring package.
    • Added non-NTT Automorphism support for the ConjugateInvariant ring.
    • Replaced all prime generation methods by NTTFriendlyPrimesGenerator which provides a more user friendly API and better functionality.
    • Added large standard deviation sampling.
    • Refactoring of the ring.Ring object:
      • The ring.Ring object is now composed of a slice of ring.SubRings structs, which store the pre-computations for modular arithmetic and NTT for their respective prime.
      • The methods ModuliChain, ModuliChainLength, MaxLevel, Level have been added to the ring.Ring type.
      • Added the BinaryMarshaller interface implementation for ring.Ring types. It marshals the factors and the primitive roots, removing the need for factorization and enabling a deterministic ring reconstruction.
      • Removed all methods with the API [...]Lvl(level, ...). Instead, to perform operations at a specific level, a lower-level ring.Ring type can be obtained using ring.Ring.AtLevel(level) (which is allocation-free).
      • Subring-level methods such as NTTSingle or AddVec are now accessible via ring.Ring.SubRing[level].Method(*). Note that the consistency changes across method names also apply to these methods. For example, NTTSingle and AddVec are now simply NTT and Add when called via a SubRing object.
      • Updated ModDownQPtoQNTT to round the RNS division (instead of flooring).
      • The NumberTheoreticTransformer interface no longer has to be implemented for arbitrary *SubRing and it abstracts this parameterization as its instantiation.
      • The core NTT method now takes N as an input, enabling NTT of different dimensions without having to modify the internal value of the ring degree in the ring.Ring object.
  • UTILS:
    • Updated methods with generics when applicable.
    • Added public factorization methods GetFactors, GetFactorPollardRho and GetFactorECM.
    • Added subpackage sampling which regroups the various random bytes and number generator that were previously present in the package utils.
    • Added the package utils/bignum which provides arbitrary precision arithmetic, tools to create and evaluate polynomials, and tools to perform polynomial approximations of functions, notably Chebyshev and Multi-Interval Minimax approximations.
    • Added subpackage buffer which implements custom methods to efficiently write and read slices on any writer or reader implementing a subset interface of the bufio.Writer and bufio.Reader.
      • Added Writer interface and methods to write specific objects on a Writer.
      • Added Reader interface and methods to read specific objects from a Reader.
      • Added RequireSerializerCorrect which checks that an object satisfies io.WriterTo, io.ReaderFrom, encoding.BinaryMarshaler and encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler, and that these interfaces are correctly implemented.
    • Added subpackage structs:
      • New structs:
        • Map[K constraints.Integer, T any] map[K]*T.
        • Matrix[T any] [][]T.
        • Vector[T any] []T.
      • All the above structs satisfy the following interfaces:
        • (T) CopyNew() *T.
        • (T) BinarySize() (int).
        • (T) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error).
        • (T) ReadFrom(io.Reader) (int64, error).
        • (T) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error).
        • (T) UnmarshalBinary([]byte) (error).
        • (T) Equal(T) bool.

[4.1.0] - 2022-11-22

  • Further improved the generalization of the code across schemes through the rlwe package and the introduction of a generic scale management interface.
  • All: uniformized the prec type to uint for *big.Float types.
  • All: renamed WriteTo<32/64> to Encode<32/64> and DecodePoly<32/64> to Decode<32/64>, added similar method to rlwe.Ciphertext.
  • RLWE: added the type rlwe.Scale, which is now a field in the rlwe.Parameters.
  • RLWE: added the struct MedaData which stores the Scale, and boolean flags IsNTT and IsMontgomery.
  • RLWE: added the field MetaData to the rlwe.Plaintext, rlwe.Ciphertext, rlwe.CiphertextQP.
  • RLWE: added DefaultScale and DefaultNTTFlag to the rlwe.ParametersLiteral struct. These are optional fields which are automatically set by the respective schemes.
  • RLWE: elements from rlwe.NewPlaintext(*) and rlwe.NewCiphertext(*) are given default IsNTT and Scale values taken from the rlwe.Parameters, which depend on the scheme used. These values can be overwritten/modified manually.
  • RLWE: added logGap parameter to Evaluator.Expand, which enables to extract only coefficients whose degree is a multiple of 2^logGap.
  • BFV: the level of the plaintext and ciphertext must now be specified when creating them.
  • CKKS: significantly reduced the pre-computation time of the roots, especially for the arbitrary precision encoder.
  • CKKS/BGV: abstracted the scaling factor, using rlwe.Scale. See the description of the struct for more information.
  • BFV/BGV: added the flag -print-noise to print the residual noise, after decryption, during the tests.
  • BFV/BGV/CKKS: added scheme specific global constant DefaultNTTFlag.
  • BFV/BGV/CKKS: removed scheme-specific ciphertexts and plaintexts types. They are replaced by generic rlwe.Ciphertext and rlwe.Plaintext.
  • BFV/BGV/CKKS: removed scheme-specific KeyGenerator, Encryptor and Decryptor. They have been replaced by rlwe.KeyGenerator, rlwe.Encryptor and rlwe.Decryptor. The API go instantiate those struct from the scheme specific API, e.g. bgv.NewEncryptor, is still available but will return its corresponding rlwe struct.
  • BFV/BGV/CKKS: removed the following deprecated methods, when applicable
    • AddNoMod, AddNoModNew, SubNoMod, SubNoModNew, Reduce and ReduceNew
    • PowerOf2, Power and PowerNew which are replaced by PolynomialBasis and GenPower.
  • BFV/BGV/CKKS: the naive method algorithms for InnerSum and Replicate have been removed. The method names InnerSumLog and ReplicateLog have been replaced by InnerSum and Replicate respectively.

[4.0.0] - 2022-10-04

  • Added BGV/DBGV schemes.
  • ALL: added default parameters for LogN=11 and LogN=10.
  • RING: prime generation no longer skips the first candidate.
  • RING: reworked marshalling of ring.Poly object. The new available methods are:
    • ring.Poly now has a .Buff 1-dimensional slice which is the only heavy allocation of a ring.Poly. The .Coeffs 2-dimensional slice is a re-slicing of .Buff.
    • GetDataLen64 and GetDataLen32: gets the length in bytes of an encoded ring.Poly object.
    • WriteTo64 and WriteTo32: encodes a ring.Poly object on a pre-allocated slice of bytes.
    • WriteCoeffsTo64 and WriteCoeffsTo32: encodes a slice of coefficients on a pre-allocated slice of bytes.
    • DecodeCoeffs64 and DecodeCoeffs32: decodes a slice of bytes on a slice of coefficients.
    • DecodePoly64 and DecodePoly32: decodes a slice of bytes on a pre-allocated ring.Poly object.
  • RING: renamed ring.Poly.Degree() to ring.Poly.N() for consistency.
  • RING: removed ring.Poly.LenModuli() deprecated method.
  • RING: changed ring.NewPoly to take the level as argument instead of the number of moduli, for consistency.
  • RLWE: added several types of ciphertexts:
    • rlwe.CiphertextQP represents a ciphertext that is encrypted in the extended ring R_QP.
    • rlwe.GadgetCiphertext represents an encryption in the extended ring R_QP of a plaintext that is decomposed in the CRT and power-of-two basis (e.g., public switching keys).
  • RLWE: changed representation of rlwe.PublicKey types which are now stored in Montgomery form, consistently with all other key types.
  • RLWE: changed rlwe.SwitchingKey type to use rlwe.GadgetCiphertext internally.
  • RLWE: generalized rlwe.KeySwitcher into rlwe.Evaluator, which provides new functionalities:
    • DecomposeNTT: decomposes a polynomial modulo the special RNS basis and extends its basis from Q to QP.
    • DecomposeSingleNTT: decomposes a polynomial modulo a single power of the special RNS basis and extends its basis from Q to QP.
    • ExpandRLWE: extracts each coefficient of a RLWE sample to the degree-0 coefficient of multiple RLWE samples.
    • MergeRLWE: merges the degree-0 coefficient of multiple RLWE samples into a single RLWE sample.
    • GadgetProduct: evaluates ring.Poly x gadget.Ciphertext -> RLWE, where gadget.Ciphertext is a matrix of RLWE samples encrypting scaled plaintext by the special RNS basis and a modulus P.
    • GadgetProductNoModDown: evaluates ring.Poly x gadget.Ciphertext -> RLWE but without the division by P (the result is given mod QP).
    • GadgetProductSinglePAndBitDecompNoModDown: evaluates ring.Poly x gadget.Ciphertext -> RLWE, where gadget.Ciphertext is a matrix of RLWE samples encrypting scaled plaintext by the special RNS basis along with a base-2 basis and an optional prime P.
    • Relinearize: reduces the degree of a rlwe.Ciphertext to one by homomorphically evaluating the decryption of the higher-degree terms.
    • KeySwitch: homomorphically re-encrypts a rlwe.Ciphertext under a new secret.
    • KeyswitchHoisted: homomorphically re-encrypts a rlwe.Ciphertext under a series of new secrets, returning a new ciphertext for each secret.
    • KeyswitchHoistedNoModDown: homomorphically re-encrypts a rlwe.Ciphertext under a series of new secrets, returning a new ciphertext for each secret, but without the division by P (the result is given mod QP).
    • Automorphism: homomorphically evaluates the map X -> X^k.
    • AutomorphismHoisted: homomorphically evaluates multiple maps of the type X -> X^k, returning a new ciphertext for each map.
    • AutomorphismHoistedNoModDown: homomorphically evaluates multiple maps of the type X -> X^k, returning a new ciphertext for each map, but without the division by P (result is given mod QP).
    • Trace: homomorphically evaluates the map X -> sum((-1)^i * X^{i*n+1}) for n <= i < N.
    • ExternalProduct: evaluates rlwe.Ciphertext x rgsw.Ciphertext -> rlwe.Ciphertext.
  • RLWE: re-enabled bit-decomposition, on top of RNS decomposition, for the inner-product between rlwe.Ciphertext and gadget.Ciphertext.
    • This functionality can be enabled by setting Pow2Base to the desired power of two basis.
    • This functionality can be used in conjunction with the RNS hybrid decomposition (with a modulus P) only when P is composed of a single prime.
    • This functionality is disabled if Pow2Base is set to zero (default value).
  • RLWE: enabled instantiation of rlwe.Parameters without the modulus P.
  • RLWE: revamped the rlwe.Encryptor interface and implementing structs:
    • Added the .EncryptZero method to generate encryptions of zeros.
    • The .Encrypt and .EncryptZero now accept ct interface{} as their ciphertext argument and determine the type of encryption to be performed according to the runtime type of ct.
  • RLWE: added the PRNGEncryptor type, which supports secret-key encryption from a user-specified PRNG.
  • RLWE: rlwe.KeyGenerator now uses an rlwe.Encryptor internally, to generate secret keys, encryption keys and evaluation keys.
  • RLWE: extracted the rlwe/ringqp sub-package which provides the ringqp.Ring and ringqp.Poly types to respectively replace the former types rlwe.RingQP and rlwe.PolyQP.
  • DRLWE: added the Thresholdizer and Combiner types for t-out-of-N-threshold schemes through Shamir secret-sharing.
  • DRLWE: added a providing package overview and usage instructions.
  • DRLWE: removed the obsolete CollectivePublicKeyGenerator, RelinearizationKeyGenerator, RotationKeyGenerator, PublicKeySwitchingProtocol and KeySwitchingProtocol interfaces.
  • DRLWE: renamed AggregateShare methods to AggregateShares.
  • RGSW: added package rgsw, which provides a partial implementation of the RLWE-based RGSW encryption scheme. This includes:
    • rgsw.Encryptor and the rgsw.Ciphertext types.
    • rgsw.Evaluator to support the external product RLWE x RGSW -> RLWE.
    • rgsw/lut sub-package that provides evaluation of Look-Up-Tables (LUT) on rlwe.Ciphertext types.
  • BFV: renamed Encoder.DecodeRingT to Encoder.SwitchToRingT to better reflect the purpose of the method.
  • CKKS: fixed MulAndAdd correctness for non-identical inputs.
  • CKKS: added advanced.EncodingMatrixLiteral.RepackImag2Real optional field to repack the imaginary part into the right n real slots.
  • CKKS: Trace now only takes as input the logSlots of the encrypted plaintext.
  • CKKS: replaced the public variable .Scale with .scale, it can now be accessed with .Scale() and set to a new value with .SetScale().
  • CKKS: renamed the methods ScalingFactor and SetScalingFactor of the interface Operand to Scale and SetScale respectively.
  • CKKS/bootstrapping: renamed method Bootstrapp to Bootstrap.
  • BFV/CKKS: key-switching functionalities (such as rotations, relinearization and key-switching) are now all based on the rlwe.Evaluator.
  • BFV/CKKS: the parameters now are based on the sub-type rlwe.Parameters.
  • BFV/CKKS: removed deprecated methods EncryptFromCRP and EncryptFromCRPNew, users should now use the PRNGEncryptor interface.
  • BFV/CKKS: fixed a panic happening during the benchmark testing.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: removed the dbfv/dckks.CKGProtocol, dbfv/dckks.RKGProtocol and dbfv/dckks.RTGProtocol types. Users should use the corresponding drlwe types instead.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: MaskedTransformFunc is now a struct and takes as additional input to the linear transform two Boolean flags to parameterize if the decoding/encoding process must be done before/after the linear transform.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: refresh and maskedTransform protocols now allow the user to specify the output parameters, enabling parameter switching.
  • DCKKS: fixed dckks.RefreshProtocol correctness when the output scale is different from the input scale.
  • Examples: added examples/ckks/advanced/lut, which is an example that performs homomorphic decoding -> LUT -> homomorphic encoding on a ckks.Ciphertext.
  • Examples: removed examples/ckks/advanced/rlwe_lwe_bridge_LHHMQ20, which is replaced by examples/ckks/advanced/lut.
  • Examples: removed examples/rlwe/lwe_bridge since the code of this example is now part of rlwe.Evaluator and showcased in examples/ckks/advanced/lut.
  • CI: revamped Makefile to no longer require and integrated linting/vet checks.


  • CKKS: Baby-Step Giant-Step Polynomial Evaluation Algorithm (BSGSPEA)
    • Added PolynomialBasis, a struct to generate powers of monomials. This struct can be marshalled.
    • Renamed former PolynomialBasis enumerated type to BasisType.
    • EvaluatePoly and EvaluatePolyVector now both accept pre-computed PolynomialBasis as input in addition to Ciphertext.
    • Fixed correctness error and panic when a non-relinearized ciphertext and a plaintext were given to Mul and MulAndAdd.
    • Fixed automatic-scale matching in BSGS that wasn't reliably ensuring that scales between two ciphertext to be added was the same.
    • Improved BSGSPEA with lazy relinearization and lazy rescaling.
    • Overall the precision of the BSGSPEA is greatly improved and its complexity is reduced. This also improves the precision of the bootstrapping.

[3.0.4] - 2022-04-26

  • CKKS: updated the bootstrapping circuit to use the key-encapsulation mechanism of Bootstrapping for Approximate Homomorphic Encryption with Negligible Failure-Probability by Using Sparse-Secret Encapsulation. The previous bootstrapping circuit can be run by setting EphemeralSecretWeight=0.
  • BFV: added the Evaluator.Rescale and Evaluator.RescaleTo methods to switch BFV ciphertexts to lower levels.
  • BFV: all Evaluator methods on ciphertext support all arithmetic operations at lower levels, but require that operands are at the same level.
  • BFV: the plaintext modulus T can now equal to the level-zero modulus Q[0] (i.e., be a factor of the ciphertext modulus Q).
  • BFV: added the methods NewCiphertextLvl, NewPlaintextLvl, NewPlaintextMulLvl, Evaluator.AddScalar and Evaluator.MulScalarAndAdd.
  • BFV: merged []uint64 and []int64 plaintext encoding methods (e.g. EncodeUint and EncodeInt are replaced by Encode) and added the respective [...]New methods.
  • BFV: added the methods EvaluatePoly and EvaluatePolyVector for homomorphic polynomial evaluation.
  • BFV/RING: moved RNSScaler from ring to bfv.
  • RING: removed deprecated SimpleScaler.

[3.0.2] - 2022-02-21

  • RING: fixed sparse ternary sampler to properly sample on non-zero poly.

[3.0.1] - 2022-02-21

  • RLWE/CKKS/BFV: added the H field and HammingWeight method in parameters-related structs, to specify distribution of all secrets in the schemes.
  • RLWE/DRLWE: all secrets in the ternary distribution are now sampled with a fixed hamming weight, according to the parameters.
  • CKKS: encoder is now about 3.5x faster (without taking the NTT into account).

[3.0.0] - 2022-02-21

  • ALL: renamed the module to
  • RING: renamed FastBasisExtender to BasisExtender.
  • RING: .PolyToBigint[...](*) now take as input gap which defines the multiples of X^{i*gap} to reconstruct.
  • RLWE: removed FastEncryptor. Encryption without rescaling by P is now automatically used by Encryptor if no P is specified in the parameters.
  • RLWE: NewAdditiveShareBigint now takes as input the size of the share.
  • RLWE/CKKS/BFV: added .ShallowCopy(), .WithKey() (shallow copy with new key) to Encryptor and Decryptor.
  • BFV/CKKS: added .ShallowCopy() to Encoder and EncoderBigComplex (only CKKS).
  • DRLWE/DCKKS/DBFV: added .ShallowCopy() to all protocols.
  • DLRWE/DCKKS/DBFV: protocols drlwe.CKSProtocol and drlwe.PCKSProtocol and sub-protocols based on these two protocols now only take a polynomial as input for the share generation instead of the full ciphertext.
  • DRLWE/DCKKS/DBFV: uniformized API of share generation and aggregation to .GenShare(*) and .AggregateShare(*).

[2.4.0] - 2022-01-10

  • RING: added support for ring operations over the conjugate invariant ring.
  • RING: added support for custom NTT via the NumberTheoreticTransformer interface.
  • RLWE: added support for RLWE primitives over the conjugate invariant ring.
  • RLWE: added encoding.BinaryMarshaler implementation for rlwe.Ciphertext types.
  • RLWE: added an example implementation of homomorphic RLWE slot shuffling based on RLWE<->LWE conversion.
  • RLWE: increased the maximum supported polynomial degree to 2^17.
  • CKKS: Trace does not multiply the output by (N/n)^-1 anymore.
  • CKKS: added support for the CKKS scheme over the conjugate invariant ring.
  • CKKS: renamed Scale to DefaultScale in Parameters and ParametersLiteral.
  • CKKS: added the Evaluator.Average method.
  • CKKS: added DomainSwitcher type for conversion between Standard and Conjugate Invariant variants of CKKS.
  • CKKS: added support for both []complex128 and []float64 as input to Encoder.Encode* methods.
  • CKKS: added support for []float64 as input to GetPrecisionStats.
  • CKKS: added support for func(float64)float64 and func(complex128)complex128 as input to Approximate.
  • CKKS: uniformized the arguments' position for all methods of the Encoder interface.
  • CKKS: renamed Encoder.EncodeNTT/New to Encoder.Encode/Newand added Encoder.EncodeSlots, Encoder.DecodeSlots and Encoder.DecodeSlotsPublic.
  • CKKS: added EncodeSlotsQP to encode on rlwe.PolyQP to support the new LinearTransform interface.
  • CKKS: improved Encoder implementation; it is now much faster when encoding sparse plaintexts.
  • CKKS: changed the approximation intervals from complex128 to float64.
  • CKKS: renamed PtDiagMatrix to LinearTransform.
  • CKKS: added LinearTransform.Rotations() to get the required rotation for the receiver plaintext linear tranform.
  • CKKS: added Parameters.RotationsForLinearTransform to get the required rotation for the given plaintext linear tranform.
  • CKKS: added NewLinearTransform, EncodeNewLinearTransform, GenLinearTransform and GenLinearTransformBSGS to allocate and initialize plaintext linear transforms.
  • CKKS: removed plaintext linear transforms (old PtDiagMatrix) constructors and initializers from Encoder.
  • CKKS: added Evaluator.EvaluatePolyVector to enable efficient evaluation of multiple different polynomials on the same ciphertext.
  • CKKS: fixed a bug in the BSGS approach for linear transform where the selection of the ratio bettween giant step and baby step could lead to a ratio of N.
  • CKKS: the EvalMod step of the bootstrapping now works for moduli of any size, regardless of Q[0] or MessageRatio.
  • DCKKS: added support for multiparty CKKS over the conjugate invariant ring.
  • DCKKS: fixed MaskedTransformProtocol correctness for sparse plaintexts.
  • Examples: updated the ckks/sigmoid example to ckks/polyeval example, that now showcases the use of PolynomialVector.

[2.3.0] - 2021-10-12

  • RING: added MapSmallDimensionToLargerDimensionNTT method which maps from Y = X^{N/n} to X in the NTT domain.
  • RING: FastBasisExtender type can now extend the basis of polynomials of any level in base Q to polynomials of any level in base P.
  • RING: changed RNS division Div[floor/round]BylastModulus[NTT] to Div[floor/round]BylastModulus[NTT]Lvl (the level of the last modulus must always be provided).
  • RING: RNS division no longer modifies the output polynomial's level, this is to facilitate the usage of memory pools.
  • RING: added the method MFormVector, which switches a slice of uint64 into the Montgomery domain.
  • RING: RNS scaler (used in BFV) does not modify the input anymore.
  • RLWE: GenSwitchingKey now accepts secret-keys of different dimensions and level as input to enable re-encryption between different ciphertext degrees.
  • RLWE: added SwitchCiphertextRingDegreeNTT and SwitchCiphertextRingDegree to switch ciphertext ring degrees.
  • RLWE: added the rlwe.RingQP type to represent the extended ring R_qp.
  • RLWE: added the rlwe.PolyQP type to represent polynomials in the extended ring R_qp.
  • DRLWE: added the CKGCRP, RKGCRP, RTGCRP and CKSCRP types to represent the common reference polynomials in these protocols.
  • DRLWE: added the CRS interface for PRNGs that implement a common reference string among the parties.
  • DRLWE: added the SampleCRP(crs CRS) method to each protocol types to sample their respective CRP type.
  • BFV: changed the plaintext scaling from floor(Q/T)*m to round((Q*m)/T) to reduce the initial ciphertext noise.
  • CKKS: added the ckks/advanced sub-package and moved the homomorphic encoding, decoding and modular reduction into it.
  • CKKS: added the ckks/bootstrapping sub-package and moved the CKKS bootstrapping into it. This package now mostly relies on the ckks/advanced package.
  • CKKS: renamed the ChebyshevInterpolation type to Polynomial.
  • CKKS: removed the EvaluateCheby method that was redundant with the EvaluatePoly one.
  • CKKS: optimized the EvaluatePoly to account for odd/even polynomials and fixed some small imprecisions in scale management occurring for some specific polynomial degrees.
  • CKKS: some advanced methods related to automorphisms are now public to facilitate their external use.
  • CKKS: improved the consistency of the API for in-place and [..]New methods.
  • CKKS: added the method NewCiphertextAtLevelFromPoly, which creates a ciphertext at a specific level from two polynomials.
  • CKKS: updated precision stats struct, added L2 norm in the statistics and improved the command line prints.
  • CKKS: improved the algorithmic complexity of MultiplyByDiagMatrixBSGS and updated the bootstrapping parameters accordingly.
  • CKKS: PermuteNTTHoistedNoModDown now returns [phi(P*c0 + c0'), phi(c1')] instead of [phi(c0'), phi(c1')].
  • CKKS: Changed RotateHoistedNoModDown to RotateHoistedNoModDownNew for consistency.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: both now use their respective CRP type for each protocol.
  • EXAMPLE: added showcase of the ckks/advanced sub-package: a bridge between CKKS and FHEW ciphertexts using homomorphic decoding, ring dimension switching, homomorphic matrix multiplication and homomorphic modular reduction.

[2.2.0] - 2021-07-15

  • Added
  • ALL: when possible, public functions now use int instead of uint64 as parameters and return values.
  • ALL: ring.Ring are not instantiated once in the parameters and read only. They are then accessed by other structs, like the encryptor or evaluator.
  • RING: removed MulPoly and its related tests.
  • RING: ring.Ring is now read-only and thread-safe.
  • RING: RNS rescaling API is now in place and can take a different poly as output.
  • RING: added ReadFromDistLvl and ReadAndAddFromDistLvl to Gaussian sampler API.
  • RING: added IsNTT and IsMForm flags in the ring.Poly type. For now, these flags are never checked or changed by the ring package.
  • RLWE: added a new rlwe package as common implementation base package for the Lattigo RLWE schemes.
  • RLWE: extracted the rlwe.Parameters type as common base struct for BFV and CKKS parameters.
  • RLWE: extracted the rlwe.KeyGenerator type as common key-generator for BFV and CKKS.
  • RLWE: extracted the rlwe.Ciphertext type as common base struct for BFV and CKKS ciphertexts.
  • RLWE: extracted the rlwe.Plaintext type as common base struct for BFV and CKKS plaintext.
  • RLWE: extracted the rlwe.Encryptor type as common base interface for BFV and CKKS encryptors.
  • RLWE: extracted the rlwe.Decryptor type as common base interface for BFV and CKKS decryptors.
  • RLWE: extracted the rlwe.KeySwitcher type as a common key-switching implementation for BFV and CKKS evaluators.
  • RLWE: renamed the Parameters.Copy() method to Parameters.CopyNew() for consistency.
  • RLWE: added Parameter struct, that stores the relevant ring.Ring instances and has getter methods to access them.
  • RLWE: added equality and inclusion check methods for the rlwe.RotatationKeySet type.
  • RLWE: added tests for encryption, decryption, key-generation and key-switching.
  • RLWE: moved keys related marshalling tests of bfv and ckks packages the rlwe package.
  • DRLWE: added a new drlwe package as a common implementation base for the lattigo multiparty RLWE schemes.
  • DRLWE: added tests for the protocols.
  • DRLWE: moved keys-related marshalling tests of dbfv and dckks packages to the drlwe package.
  • BFV/CKKS: the schemes now use a common implementation for their keys.
  • BFV/CKKS: the rotation-keys are now indexed by their corresponding Galois automorphism.
  • BFV/CKKS: the Evaluator interface now has a single method for all column rotations and one method for the row-rotation/conjugate.
  • BFV/CKKS: the relinearization and rotation keys are now passed to the Evaluator constructor methods (and no longer to the operations methods).
  • BFV/CKKS: added the ParameterLiteral type for literally specifying scheme parameters in Go programs.
  • BFV/CKKS: removed the now obsolete Moduli and LogModuli types and their associated Parameters constructors.
  • BFV/CKKS: Parameters types are now passed by value in most situations.
  • BFV/CKKS: added encoding/json-compatible JSON serializers and deserializers for the Parameters types.
  • BFV/CKKS: removed the scheme-specific key types.
  • BFV/CKKS: added a -params=[params json] flag for all test and bench suites for specifying parameters from the command line.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: added a common interface and implementation for each multiparty protocol.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: added standalone Encryption-To-Shares (E2SProtocol) and Shares-To-Encryption (S2EProtocol) protocols for domain switching between encryptions and secret-shares.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: generalized the Refresh-and-permute protocol into generic MaskedTransformProtocol that accepts an arbitrary linear function.
  • DCKKS: public-refresh now takes a target desired output scale, which enables refreshing the ciphertext to the default scale.
  • BFV: the moduli of ringQMul are now generated based on N andQ.
  • CKKS: added Parameter methods that compute the required rotations for relevant Evaluator operations.
  • CKKS: added methods for performing linear-transformations and improved several aspects listed below.
  • CKKS: improved the tests for CoeffsToSlots and SlotsToCoeffs.

CKKS Bootstrapping

  • The procedure now allows for a more granular parameterization.
  • Added flag in bootstrapping parameters for bit-reversed inputs (with bit-reversed output) CoeffsToSlots and SlotsToCoeffs.
  • Added optional Arcsine.
  • The procedure now uses the new linear-transformation API.
  • CoeffsToSlots and SlotsToCoeffs are now standalone public functions.

New CKKS Evaluator methods

  • RotateHoisted: evaluates several rotations on a single ciphertext.
  • LinearTransform: evaluates one or more PtDiagMatrix on a ciphertext using MultiplyByDiagMatrix or MultiplyByDiagMatrixBSGS according to the encoding of PtDiagMatrix.
  • MultiplyByDiagMatrix: multiplies a ciphertext with a PtDiagMatrix using n rotations with single hoisting.
  • MultiplyByDiagMatrixBSGS: multiplies a ciphertext with a PtDiagMatrix using 2sqrt(n) rotations with double-hoisting.
  • InnerSumLog: optimal log approach that works for any value (not only powers of two) and can be parameterized to inner sum batches of values (sub-vectors).
  • InnerSum: naive approach that is faster for small values but needs more keys.
  • ReplicateLog: optimal log approach that works for any value (not only powers of two) and can be parameterized to replicate batches of values (sub-vectors).
  • Replicate: naive approach that is faster for small values but needs more keys.

New CKKS Encoder methods

  • PtDiagMatrix: struct that represents a linear transformation.
  • EncodeDiagMatrixBSGSAtLvl: encodes a PtDiagMatrix at a given level, with a given scale for the BSGS algorithm.
  • EncodeDiagMatrixAtLvl: encodes a PtDiagMatrix at a given level, with a given scale for a naive evaluation.
  • DecodePublic: adds Gaussian noise of variance floor(sigma * sqrt(2*pi)) before the decoding step (see
  • DecodeCoeffsPublic: adds Gaussian noise of variance floor(sigma * sqrt(2*pi)) before the decoding step (see
  • GetErrSTDFreqDom : get the error standard deviation in the frequency domain (slots).
  • GetErrSTDTimeDom: get the error standard deviation in the time domain (coefficients).

CKKS Fixes

  • MultByi now correctly sets the output ciphertext scale.
  • Relinearize now correctly sets the output ciphertext level.
  • matrix-vector multiplication now correctly manages ciphertexts of higher level than the plaintext matrix.
  • matrix-vector encoding now properly works for negative diagonal indexes.


  • PrecisionStats now includes the standard deviation of the error in the slots and coefficients domains.

[2.1.1] - 2020-12-23


  • BFV/CKKS: added a check for minimum polynomial degree when creating parameters.
  • BFV: added the bfv.Element.Level method.
  • RING: test for sparse ternary sampler.


  • BFV/CKKS: pk is now (-as + e, a) instead of (-(as + e), a).
  • BFV: harmonized the EvaluationKey setter from SetRelinKeys to Set.
  • CKKS: renamed BootstrappParams into BootstrappingParameters.
  • CKKS: the Evaluator.DropLevel, Parameters.SetLogSlots and Element.Copy methods no longer return errors.
  • RING: minimum poly degree modulus is 16 to ensure the NTT correctness.
  • RING: isPrime has been replaced by big.ProbablyPrime, which is deterministic for integers < 2^64.


  • ALL: reduced cyclomatic complexity of several functions.
  • ALL: fixed all instances reported by staticcheck and gosec excluding G103 (audit the use of unsafe).
  • ALL: test vectors are now generated using the crypto/rand instead of math/rand package.
  • ALL: fixed some unhandled errors.
  • BFV/CKKS: improved the documentation: documented several hard-coded values and fixed typos.
  • RING: fixed bias in sparse ternary sampling for some parameters.
  • RING: tests for the modular reduction algorithms are now deterministic.

[2.1.0] - 2020-12-11


  • BFV: special-purpose plaintext types (PlaintextRingT or PlaintextMul) for optimized ct-pt operations. See bfv/encoder.go and bfv/plaintext.go.
  • BFV: allocation-free Encoder methods.
  • RING: GenNTTPrimes now takes the value Nth (for Nth primitive root) as input rather than logN.


  • BFV: the Encoder.DecodeUint64 and Encoder.DecodeInt64 methods now take the output slice as argument.
  • CKKS: API of Evaluator.RotateColumns becomes Evaluator.Rotate.
  • CKKS: the change of variable in Evaluator.EvaluateCheby isn't done automatically anymore and the user must do it before calling the function to ensure correctness.
  • CKKS: when encoding, the number of slots must now be given in log2 basis. This is to prevent errors that would induced by zero values or non power of two values.
  • CKKS: new encoder API : EncodeAtLvlNew and EncodeNTTAtLvlNew, which allow a user to encode a plaintext at a specific level.


  • CKKS: removed method Evaluator.EvaluateChebySpecial.
  • BFV: removed QiMul field from bfv.Parameters. It is now automatically generated.

[2.0.0] - 2020-10-07


  • Global 1.5x speed-up across all arithmetic (this does not include sampling).


  • BFV/CKKS: Added fast encryption (directly in Q without the rescaling by P).
  • CKKS: Added full-RNS scale-invariant bootstrapping (
  • CKKS: Added parameterized tests for a range of experiments.
  • CKKS: Added arbitrary precision encoding/decoding.
  • CKKS: Added scale invariant polynomial evaluation.
  • CKKS: Added encoding/decoding for coefficient packing.
  • CKKS The user can now choose to encode a plaintext in or out of the NTT domain (the latter option leads to slightly faster encryptions).
  • CKKS: Added secret-key gen with error distribution.
  • DBFV: Added collective refresh with arbitrary permutation/linear transformation.
  • DCKKS: Added collective refresh with arbitrary permutation/linear transformation.
  • RING: Added arbitrary precision complex arithmetic, including cos and sin functions.
  • RING: Added polynomial interpolation.
  • RING: Added polynomial inversion.
  • RING: Extracted interface type Scaler for polynomial coefficient scaling.
  • RING: Added type RNSScaler as an efficient, cross-platform implementation of the Scaler interface.


  • ALL: all tests now use "require".
  • BFV/CKKS: Now parameters without P can be used, but the key-switching is disabled.
  • BFV/CKKS: Now parameters do not use methods to access internal values.
  • BFV/CKKS: New rotations keys optimized for hoisting rotations of the form (-phi^{-1}(s1)a + phi(s0) + e, a).
  • BFV: The Decoder uses the RNSScaler implementation of the Scaler interface to perform the t/Q rescaling.
  • CKKS: Simplified the code of the hybrid key-switching (does not affect user experience).
  • CKKS: The encoding/decoding operations at level 0 are now 500% faster.
  • CKKS: The encoder now accepts slices of complex values with length equal to or smaller than the specified number of slots.
  • RING: Improved primes finding.
  • RING: All Gaussian sampling now uses Ziggurat sampling.
  • RING: Revamped polynomial samplers to make them more memory efficient, consistent user friendly, and to enable parallel sampling.
  • RING: The SimpleScaler type now use slightly slower but cross-platform big.Int/Float.
  • UTILS: Complete revamp of the PRNG (Blake2b XOF), to make it more user friendly and consistent.


  • BFV/CKKS: Parameters API generation GenFromLogModuli() and GenFromModuli() have been removed and replaced by Gen().
  • CKKS: EvaluatePolyFast(.) and EvaluatePolyEco(.) are replaced by EvaluatePoly(.).
  • CKKS: EvaluateChebyFast(.) and EvaluateChebyEco(.) are replaced by EvaluatePolyCheby(.).
  • CKKS: EvaluateChebyEcoSpecial(.) and EvaluateChebyFastSpecial(.) are replaced by EvaluatePolyChebySpecial(.).
  • RING: The Float128 type was removed due to cross-platform incompatibility.


  • BFV: Fixed multiplication that was failing when #Qi != #QMul.
  • BFV: Fixed a mempool corruption when encrypting from SK.
  • CKKS: The function mulrelin now always returns a fully reduced polynomial.
  • CKKS: The encoder now correctly checks that the number of slots is a power of two.
  • RING: Prevented a rare case of uint64 overflow during prime sampling.
  • RING: Prevented a rare case where two identical primes could be returned when sampling primes.

[1.3.1] - 2020-02-26


  • BFV/CKKS: Added API for encrypting using a CRP (common reference polynomial).
  • BFV/CKKS: Added API for encrypting faster (encrypts zero directly in Q instead of QP and does not need to divide by P).
  • BFV/CKKS: Parameters can now be created without the modulus P. Doing so disables all key-switching operations.
  • CKKS: Added tests for hoisted rotations.
  • RING: Added benchmarks for a NTT using purely Barrett reduction for comparison purposes.


  • BFV/CKKS: Changed the switching keys from (-as1 + (s0-s1) + e, a) to (-as1 + s0 + e, a). This does not affect the user experience as it only changes the internal behavior, which is kept consistent. However, Rotation and KeySwitching keys generated with older releases will induce wrong results and will need to be re-generated.


  • BFV: Fixed EncryptFromSK that was not correctly wiping the memory pool before using it, which lead to back encryptions.
  • BFV: Fixed an index out of bound error that would happen during the multiplication if #QMul > #Qi.
  • CKKS: Removed some redundant operations in the hoisted rotations.
  • CKKS: MulRelin now always returns a fully reduced ciphertext.
  • DCKKS: PCKS and CKS now correctly set the scale of the output ciphertext to the scale of the input ciphertext.
  • RING: Fixed GenerateNTTPrimes that could return twice the same prime if the initial value was prime.
  • RING: The function context.UniformPoly now samples based on the number of moduli of the context rather than based on the input polynomial.

[1.3.0] - 2019-12-20


  • All schemes: New switching-keys and key-switching algorithm based on the concept presented in
  • All schemes: New marshaling interface for all structures.
  • BFV/CKKS: New Parameters structs and API that enable a better customization and fine tuning for specific applications.
  • CKKS: New API for hoisted rotations, faster than sequential rotations.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: Added collective refresh of a ciphertext (decentralized bootstrapping).
  • RING: Added Ziggurat sampling, available from the context.
  • RING: Enabled dense and sparse ternary polynomials sampling directly from the context.
  • RING: New API enabling "level"-wise polynomial arithmetic.
  • RING: New API for modulus switching with flooring and rounding.
  • UTILS: The package utils now regroups all the utility methods which were previously duplicated among packages.


  • BFV/CKKS/DBFV/DCKKS: Removed their respective context. Ring context remains public.
  • All schemes: Removed key-switching with bit decomposition. This option will however be re-introduced at a later stage since applications using small parameters can be impacted by this change.
  • BFV/CKKS/RING: Removed redundant/irrelevant tests and benchmarks.
  • BFV: Removed context QP as it is now not used in the multiplication.
  • BFV: Removed int encoder, now only batch encoding is supported.
  • CKKS: Modulus switching is moved to the Ring package.
  • RING: Removed the algorithms that needed Float128 during the BFV multiplication.
  • RING: Removed most wrapping methods for bigInt, which are now replaced by the native math/big package.
  • RING: Removed ternary sampler, which is now part of the context.


  • All schemes: Encryptor, Decryptor, Encoder, Evaluator, KeyGenerator are now interface types.
  • All schemes: Improved Godoc and error strings.
  • ALl schemes: Greatly reduced the number of methods that could return an error.
  • All schemes: New tests and benchmarks with fully supported regex.
  • All schemes: Coefficient-wise arithmetic using double slices is now substantially faster.
  • BFV/CKKS: Changed the name of the underlying ring contexts. Q now represents the ciphertext modulus (with QMul being the extended ciphertext modulus for BFV) and QP represents modulus of the keys (where P is the special primes used during the new key-switching).
  • BFV/CKKS/DBFV/DCKKS: The structures are now created using the parameters instead of the context.
  • BFV: Quantization during multiplication does not use Float128 any more, resulting in a substantial speed improvement.
  • BFV: BatchEncoder has been renamed Encoder.
  • CKKS: The scale is now stored as a float64 instead of a power of 2.
  • CKKS: Rounding is applied instead of flooring when a real value is converted to an integer value. This change affects the rescaling and the encoding.
  • CKKS: Use of one context for all levels, instead of requiring one ring context per level.
  • CKKS: New baby-step giant-step algorithm for evaluating polynomials in standard and Chebyshev basis.
  • CKKS: Reduced the number of NTT needed during the encryption.
  • CKKS: API for MultConst is now MultByConst.
  • BFV/CKKS: New API for the rotation-keys generation.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: Complete revamp of the API and interfaces enabling a much easier integration into larger systems.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: Improved PCKS and CKS using the concept of the new key-switching technique which enables to reduces the added noise.
  • DCKKS: All protocols work for ciphertexts at any levels.
  • RING: Faster MulScalarBigint (now similar to MulScalar).
  • UTILS: PRNG must be keyed to be forward secure.


  • All packages: Corrected typos, godoc and golint.
  • CKKS: ciphertext rotation now correctly sets the scale of the output ciphertext.
  • DBFV/DCKKS: Correctness is now ensured when the same protocol instance is used to generate multiples shares.

[1.2.0] - 2019-12-01

Internal version, merged with 1.3.0.

[1.1.0] - 2019-10-01


  • file.
  • BFV: New methods on bfvcontext to access information/stored variables.
  • BFV: When creating a new batch encoder, an error will now be returned if the plaintext modulus does not allow NTT.
  • CKKS: New methods on ckkscontext to access information/stored variables.
  • CKKS: Added marshalling and tests for marshalling.
  • CKKS: Added default parameters and parameters marshalling.
  • CKKS (API change): encryption can now also be done with the secret-key.
  • CKKS (API change): new separate struct for the encoder, that will store a small memory pool for temporary elements.
  • BFV/CKKS: Operand interface.
  • RING: New method MultByVector.
  • RING (API change): New Ternary Sampler, which enables to specify the key distribution {-1, 0, 1} -> [(1-p)/2, p, (1-p)/2]; it is faster than the previous implementation.
  • GoDoc for BFV, CKKS, Ring, DBFV, and DCKKS.
  • README for BFV and CKKS.
  • Code cleaning for all packages.
  • Minor optimizations for all packages.


  • Updated
  • BFV (API change): bfvcontext now only accepts as input a struct of the type Parameters, similar to the one used for DefaultParams.
  • BFV (API change): Removed bfvcontext from ciphertexts and plaintexts.
  • BFV (API change): Encryption can now also be done with the secret-key.
  • BFV: The value logQ in the bfvcontext now stores the bit size of the product of the ciphertext's moduli.
  • BFV: The information printed by the tests now better conveys the parameters.
  • BFV: Updated and optimized default parameters.
  • BFV: Updated example with secure parameters.
  • CKKS (API change): ckkscontext now only accepts as input a struct of the type Parameters, similar to the one used for DefaultParams.
  • CKKS (API change): ckkscontext now requires as input the moduli chain (in bit size), instead of a generic logQ and levels. This allows more fine-grained control on the rescaling and levels.
  • CKKS (API change): removed ckkscontext from ciphertexts and plaintexts.
  • CKKS: Updated the value logQ in the ckkscontext, which now stores the bit size of the product of the ciphertext's moduli.
  • CKKS: Updated the information printed by the tests to more reflect the parameters.
  • BFV/CKKS: Greatly simplified the code related to the rotations.
  • BFV/CKKS: Reduced the number of instances where an error could be returned and updated information of the returning errors.
  • RING (API change): Changed the API of the validation method of the context to better reflect its purpose.
  • BFV/CKKS/RING: The copy function will now copy the input poly on the target poly (previously the target was copied on the input).
  • Updates on all packages and tests to comply with the API changes in BFV and CKKS.


  • The evaluator of both BFV and CKKS cannot operate on two plaintexts anymore. They now always return an element of type Ciphertext.
  • The contexts of BFV and CKKS will not store their checksum anymore, nor will the evaluator check for context consistency of the input and output elements.


  • Fixed overflow occurring in the basis extension when small and large moduli are used together.

[1.0.0] - 2019-08-17


  • First public release.