This is the code for the paper "Recovery of sparse urban greenhouse gas emissions" and reproduces the results in the paper given the right input files. The input files are not part of this repository. The footprints used in the paper are found here.
The inventory files are not provided, for details please see the paper.
In order to run the code, Matlab 2021a and the Matlab libraries CVX and Gurobi 9.11 are needed.
CVX is available for free here. For Gurobi an academic version exists.
The code is located in the folder "source". All of the Matlab files in this folder are scripts which produce outputs similar to the figures in the paper. The input data for each script can be modified in the "Input data" section of each script, where e.g. the emission inventory and amount of measurement stations can be chosen.
A detailed description for each script is found in the first lines of each script itself.
The footprints should be placed into a folder called "data/footprint/" and the inventory data into "data/emission_map/", however, this path can be changed in the input section of each script.
The code in subfolders are functions needed for the scripts and do not fulfill other purpose.
Please also cite our paper if you use this code.