Generate transit maps from OSM data in docker
![Product Name Screen Shot][product-screenshot]
There are many great public transport routing services online, however, I stil need static maps of public transit lines. I want to create a automatic process for generate static maps from OpenStreetMap data, with simply running routine.
Here's why:
- Changes of public transport lines become quickly, but transit authorities news resourses do not provide up-to-date maps, only text descriptions.
- Public transport routing services solve one problem: how to get to specific address. A map of all lines solve diffirent problem: where i can go from some point.
- Old maps may disappear from Internet, due to closed licensing, and no one can copy it. A maps generated from OpenStreetMap keep open license, and can be reproduced to many resources.
- Public Transport lines information in OSM keeps from 2010-s, so historical map generation already possible.
A data features, needed to orientation by static public transport map is
- Geometry of lines, with route refs
- Places of terminus, with route refs and names.
- Directions for one-line lines.
- Interval information, or marking of low interval lines.
- Date of map source.
- Good looking basemap withouth distracting map features, like "boundary of national parks".
This scripts provive points 1, 2, 3, calculating from OSM data. And also 5 and 6.
This section should list any major frameworks that you built your project using. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples.
- PostGIS
- Docker
- Python
- [QGIS] (
This script run in Docker container, witch can be run on any modern OS.
Install git. Here is git submodules, download zip from github will not work. See
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd OSMTram
docker build -t osmtram:1.0 .
#start postgis container
docker run --rm --name osmtram_backend_db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=user -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_DB=gis -d -p 5432:5432 mdillon/postgis
#start and go to container with ubuntu+python+gdal, with network link to postgis
docker run --rm -it --link osmtram_backend_db:db -v ${PWD}/data:/data osmtram:1.0 /bin/bash
# on Windows run in powershell
time python3 russia.json --workdir /data --basemap-caching --where "name_int='Volgograd' and route='tram'"
Same as prod, but mount code folder to container, no need to rebuild container at code change
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd OSMTram
docker build -f Dockerfiledev -t osmtram:dev .
#run postgis in docker
docker run --rm --name osmtram_backend_db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=user -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_DB=gis -d -p 5432:5432 mdillon/postgis
docker run --rm -it --link osmtram_backend_db:db -v ${PWD}/data:/data -v ${PWD}:/OSMTram osmtram:dev /bin/bash
time python3 italy-sud.metadata.json --workdir /data
time python3 poland.json --skip-osmupdate --workdir /data --where "name_int = 'Gdansk'"
time python3 russia.json --skip-osmupdate --basemap-caching --workdir /data --where "name_int = 'Ekaterinburg' and route='tram'"
time python3 russia.json --basemap-caching --workdir /data --where "name_int = 'Ekaterinburg' and route='trolleybus'"
time python3 russia.json --skip-osmupdate --workdir /data --where "not valid"
- Download QGIS and open one of .qgs projects in /qgis_project_templates/
- There is sample data layers for some typical city. You can edit layers symbolics and label properties.
- Overwrite .qgs project or save to new project and add refrences into core/
At next run a map will rendered using changed project.
graph TD
A[] -->|countryname.json| B(Read boundaries geojson)
B --> |wget/osmupdate| C(download and upgrade OSM dump)
C -->|osmconvert/osmium| D[Crop OSM by BBOX]
D -->|ogr| E[Convert OSM to GPKG with basemap]
C -->|core/ osmfilter| ROUTES[extract route relations to pbf]
ROUTES -->|core/ osm2pgsql| POSTGIS[import routes pbf to PostGIS]
POSTGIS -->|core/osmot python| POSTGIS2[Generate route labels for streets]
POSTGIS2 -->|core/osmot python| POSTGIS3[Generate arrows labels for one-way routes]
POSTGIS3 -->|core/osmot python| POSTGIS4[Generate terminal points]
POSTGIS4 -->|core/osmot ogr2ogr| ROUTES.GEOJSON[Export lines, terminals to GeoJSON]
ROUTES.GEOJSON -->|qgis| QGIS[render map from files in QGIS to svg, png, pdf]
E -->| |QGIS
This is a docker container. It uses for input a bbox, filter string and map style, and generate a png image file.
It consists from there scripts:
core/ - Takes a url or pbf file, poly file, filter string, and filtering it to basemap.pbf and pt_data.pbf. Use osmfilter.
core/ - Download and prepare historical dump for dump_prepare. May will be run outside container, due to huge size of dumps. Use osmupdate and osmfilter.
core/ - Generate image of basemap for bbox. Importing basemap.pbf to postgis, create QGIS Server WMS, make png from WMS.
core/ - Generate image of public transport map
core/ - render pdf/svg/png map using standart qgis project with atlas layout. Extent is set in geojson file. One run generate one-page atlas, then pages combined in multi-page pdf or zip archive
Script start QGIS in docker container, make copy of QGIS project from /qgis_project_templates, put data layers into gpkg files, and run QGIS operation "Atlas rendering"
- core/
- core/
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.