Version 30 (not released):
Version 29:
- Fix: Bug in UserScript crashed Chrome
- Fix: Bug in ignored words returned empty list
- More
Version 28:
- New: Ignore NZB/Torrent with specific words
- New: Require specific words inside a NZB/Torrent
- Enhancement: UserScript, Direct to TV movie support for IMDB
- Enhancement: UserScript, support
- Enhancement: UserScript, support
- Enhancement: UserScript, support
- Enhancement: Firefox only - UserScript, AppleTrailer support
- Enhancement: Firefox only - UserScript, TMDB support
- Enhancement: English only support for NZBMatrix feed
- Enhancement: Allow dvdr inside screener searches
- Enhancement: Clear all downloaded movies from Wanted page
- Enhancement: IMDB post processing for renamer
- More
Version 27:
- Fix: Quality in naming options not working correctly.
- Fix: Config not working in IE.
- Fix: No more "page not found"-errors in log.
- More
Version 26:
- New: Preferred words for searching in "Settings >> General".
- New: Download meta-data. Poster, fanart, .nfo file.
- New: XBMC Notifications.
- Enhancement: Ability to disable the updater.
- Enhancement: Better movie detection when renaming.
- Enhancement: Settings page instead of popup.
- Enhancement: R5 DVD-R is allowed
- Enhancement: Added and to renaming filenames.
- Fix: Don't autofill usernames and passwords.
- Fix: Updated updater for new GitHub download page layout.
- Fix: Images from TheMovieDB couldn't be downloaded.
- Fix: OpenSubtitle didn't always stay logged in.
- Fix: Move .idx files along with .sub files.
- And a lot more fixed here
Version 25:
- New: Subtitles support using SubScene and OpenSubtitles
- Enhancement: Link to Changelog when new Windows Build is available.
- Enhancement: Better logging class.
- Enhancement: SQLAlchemy updated to 0.6.4, removed unused code.
- Enhancement: Optimized PNGs, Movie list and CSS.
- Enhancement: Movie manage page, beginning.
- Enhancement: Mootools 1.3
- Fix: needs API-key for RSS check.
- Fix: Don't bug out the search on invalid RSS feed.
Version 24:
- Enhancement: Use movie object to get extra movie information on startup.
- Fix: Would quit on startup, because of invalid tMDB xml.
Version 23:
- New: support
- Enhancement: "Scroll to top"-button
- Enhancement: Score points for AC3 and DTS
- Enhancement: Ability to re-add nzb/torrent and search for other version to download
- Enhancement: Rename trailer on overwrite with better quality
- Enhancement: Renamer, change word seperator to space, dash or dot
- Enhancement: Ability to disable providers
- Enhancement: Mark existing non-renameable downloads with EXISTS
- Fix: Better link to wanted, snatched downloaded
- Fix: Changed default BR-Rip maximum size
- Fix: Strip config string values
- Fix: Strip http:// off of host, if necessary
- Fix: Removed duplicate ETA search
- Fix: Ignore empty "ignore words"
- Fix: Use lowercase for better quality guessing
- Fix: Allow 720p in BR-Rip searches