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There are many questions someone may have when relocating to the United States.

Among the top, where should I live?

Some are looking to find a place that are similar to their homeland. Some desire to try something new.

Some are looking for a real American experience while some are looking for cultural similarities to what they’re used to.

Our goal in this project, using data sets from the US Census Bureau, is to create a product that will allow people to find their next home based on Values, Variety and Vision for their life.

This site was built by a group of developers, data scientists and UXers that came together to solve the problem facing anyone relocating to this country for the first time.

Table of Contents

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Instructions for Use

A demo of this product is available:

Tech Framework

This app uses:

We built this app with:

This app is hosted at:

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Future Plans

  • Host the site at a white label URL
  • Configure Google Analytics.
  • Add a password recovery feature.
  • Add mobile-responsive CSS.
  • Refactor file structure and code organization.
    • Move API calls, state, and other functions higher in the filetree for DRYer code.
    • Format code for a consistent overall appearance.
    • Change href anchors to React Router <Link /> components.
  • Add support for OAuth
    • Google, GitHub
    • Sync data models for OAuth information with the current User model. Must have two-way referencing.
  • Create additional pages and views.
    • Create a resources page to help the user with the transition to America
    • Create a groups section to allow users the ability to connect with other users
  • Allow users to upload avatar images.
  • Add administrative user roles and permissions.
  • Create dark/light modes.

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Special Thanks

  • General Assembly Product Club Organizers(Becca Rogers, Shahier Rahman, Lea Berry, Chelsie Noble, Lisa Dubler)

  • Mentors from General Assembly for collaboration in developing this app.

  • Formatting this file was easy with the help of the Markdown Live Preview tool and GitHub Guide's Mastering Markdown page.

  • The code for this website was written with frequent reference to a number of 3rd party resources:

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Appendix A: Project Pre-Planning

User Stories

  1. Carolina’s husband recieved a new job in the United States. She moved to Chile from Venezuela 6 years ago and married a Chilean.She has a pretty solid career as a software engineer but knows she and her husband can make a lot more money in the United States. She speaks fluent English however she is worried about the lack of affordable healthcare, racism, mass shootings and the extreme difficulty of legally moving to the United States as a Venezuelan.


Model: User | (user account metadata)

  • username user's login handle (also display name)
  • email user's email address
  • password user's password (encrypted)
  • timestamps (create/update)

Model: Profile | (profile data)

  • name title of snippet
  • email purpose of snippet
  • movingFrom generic form/syntax of snippet
  • language usage notes and information
  • recentCounties example of snippet being used
  • savedCounties topic tags for snippet
  • dateFormat reference to User document of snippet creator
  • groups (create/update)
  • byUser ref to user model
  • timestamps (create/update)

Wireframes & Mockups

Search Feature (React Component layout) wireframe layout of search feature

Results Feature (React Component Layout) wireframe layout of results feature

Search Page (React Component Layout) mockup of Search Page

Profile Page (React Component Layout) mockup of Profile Page

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Appendix B: Product Screenshots & Images

Deployed Search Page | Current current search page on deployed site and not logged in

Deployed Results Page | Current current results page on deployed site and not logged in


GA US Census Product Club Team 1







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