Contributors: gregross, brazabr
Donate link:
Plugin URI:
Author URI:
Tags: translation, glotpress
Requires at least: 4.4
Tested up to: 6.6
Stable tag: 1.1
License: GPLv2
License URI:
A plugin for GlotPress that adds an option to extract original strings from a remote source repo directly in to a GlotPress project.
A plugin for GlotPress that adds an option to extract original strings from a remote source repo directly in to a GlotPress project.
- WordPress, GitHub and custom sources.
- Private GitHub repos with HTTP basic authentication.
- GitHub tags and branches.
- Importing for an existing extract file.
To set it up, go to Settings->GP Auto Extract in WordPress. You'll see a list of your projects in GP, you can edit the settings for each one:
- Source Type
- Setting
- Branch/Tag (for GitHub repos only)
- Use HTTP Basic Authentication (for GitHub repos only)
- Import from existing file
Each source type has the following settings associated with it:
- None - Don't auto extract this project.
- - the slug for the SVN repo to extract from (for example "gp-auto-extract" for this plugin).
- GitHub - The user name and repo name on GitHub to extract from (for example "toolstack/gp-auto-extract").
- Custom - a complete url to a ZIP file containing the source code to extract from.
Once the setting has be entered, you can save them with the button to the right and then run an extract which will update the originals in the given project from the source selected.
Install from the WordPress plugin directory.
Not at this time.
No, but you can work around the issue.
You might want to do this if the plugin your translating only exists on GitHub or some other location, the plugin description header line is used in the WordPress plugin page to translate the description into the display language.
To work around this issue, create a "fake" source file, something like "extra-strings.php", and simply add the strings you want to a translation line, the file would look something like:
__('Your plugin description here.');
__('A second string here.');
__('Some other string here.');
This will allow GP Auto Extract to pick up these strings and add them to the project.
You can simply exclude this file from your plugin release zip (or leave it... no real harm).
- Release Date: November 6, 2024
- Fixed: Fatal error for subprojects when auto extract triggered from the front end.
- Release Date: November 5, 2024
- Fixed: Missing assets for js/css.
- Fixed: Various PHP8 deprecation warnings.
- Fixed: Duplicate function definition in another plugin has already include the WP file.php code.
- Release Date: October 9, 2024
- Added: Support for WordPress Themes, thanks @pedro-mendonca.
- Fixed: Warnings/errors due to create_function() being removed in PHP8.
- Updated: pomo and extract functions from WP and WP I18N libraries respectively.
- Release Date: January 16, 2017
- Info: Welcome new contributor brazabr!
- Added: Support for HTTP Basic Authentication for GitHub (thanks brazabr).
- Added: Option to skip POT generation and import an existing file from repository/archive (thanks brazabr).
- Added: Option to override GitHub branch or tag (thanks brazabr).
- Updated: UI for editing each project setting (thanks brazabr).
- Release Date: January 10, 2017
- Added: Auto Extract option to the projects menu on the front end.
- Fixed: Various WP_DEBUG warnings.
- Fixed: Better handling of corrupt zip files.
- Fixed: Make sure to remove temporary files.
- Fixed: Source file references would incorrectly include plugin top level directory, thanks @brazabr.
- Release Date: March 18, 2016
- Documentation updates.
- Release Date: January 28, 2016
- Initial release.