G-Code postprozessor tool for Slic3r generated G-Code
- Go to "Printer Settings" -> "Custom G-Code" -> "Before layer change G-Code"
- Add ";LAYER:[layer_num]"
- Save modified Printer Settings
- Slice your model
- Save the .gcode
- use the python with arguments as shown below
-s STARTVALUE - start value, for example 190 when creating a heattower
-e ENDVALUE - end value, for example 240 when creating a heattower
-i INCREMENT - increment value, for example 5 when creating a heattower
-sl STARTLAYER - start layer, first Layer for injection, for example 10
-l LAYERCOUNT - layer count, change value every x Layer
-g GCODE - G-Code that will be injected, for example M104 when creating a heattower
-p PARAMETER - parameter that will be injected, for example S when creating a heattower
-f GCODEFILE - the .gcode file to process
./GC-Injector.py -s 190 -e 250 -i 5 -sl 20 -l 25 -g M104 -p S -f TempTower.gcode
It will add to .gcode file:
@Layer 20 : M104 S195
@Layer 45 : M104 S200
@Layer 70 : M104 S205
Temperatur will first be modified at layer 20 to 195°, then temperatur will increase 5° every 25 layer.
./GC-Injector.py -s 1000 -e 5000 -i 500 -sl 10 -l 30 -g M201 -p X -f ACC_Tower.gcode
It will add to .gcode file:
@Layer 20 : M201 X1500
@Layer 45 : M201 X2000
@Layer 70 : M201 X2500
Acceleration for X-axis (Repetier style G-Code) will first be modified at layer 10 to ACC 1500, then acceleration will increase 500 every 30 layer.
Repeat with Y axis if you want.
- If you receice a "permission denied" message, try "chmod u+rx GC_Injector.py"
based on script by quirxi https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2615842