Sample project showing how run Zephyr on a VexRiscv CPU running on the tinyCLUNX33.
# Setup a venv into which install dependencies
python3 -m venv ~/zephyrproject/.venv
. ~/zephyrproject/.venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install west
# Clone the example repositories
cd ~/zephyrproject
west init -m
west update
# Visit the example directory you wish to run
cd tinyclunx33_zephyr_example/example_usb_cdc_echo/
cd tinyclunx33_zephyr_example/example_usb_cdc_shell/
cd tinyclunx33_zephyr_example/example_usb_cdc_throughput/
cd tinyclunx33_zephyr_example/example_usb_uvc/
# To build for the tinyCLUNX33 board:
west build -b tinyclunx33
# Then Zephyr to program the board
west flash
# Program the FPGA image, only needed the first time
sudo ecpprog tinyclunx33_rtl_reference_design_v0.7.bit
# Power-cycle the board
# Connect to the FTDI serial interface
picocom -b 153600 /dev/ttyUSB1
# In a new terminal, watch the Linux kernel messages
sudo dmesg -w
# Connect the DATA USB interface and observe the effect in dmesg
There is a README present in each example directory for usage instructions of each example.