This is a simple implemention for Condition Normalization
(i.e. CN) with pytorch cuda extension.
And it runs as fast as Batch Normalization
in pytorch (3% slower exactly).
Tests passed with pytorch 1.1.0 cuda 10.
run following code to install the extension. (check cuda config first)
cd ./xcn_cuda
# python build
python install
then use batch cn
or instance cn
like this:
import torch
from cond_norm import batchCondNorm, instCondNorm
x = torch.rand(4,3,10,10, requires_grad=True, device=torch.device('cuda'))
m = instCondNorm(3, minl=2.0).cuda()
y = m(x)
z = y.abs().sum()
Browse jupyter notebook in test folder for more details.
Condition Normalization
is a normalization layer like batch normalization, it runs as follows:
y = w \cdot \frac{x-E(x)}{max(\sigma(x),l)} + b
when set BN
with track_running_stats=False