Moderator: @tcr Notetaker: @Frijol Attending: @rwaldron
- @frijol tried it, it's fine, not super into switching to handlebars vs. pug
- If the point of changing our website structure is to make it easier to maintain, we should test it against people who might previously have had trouble with that
- One other goal would be to
- @tcr still wants to do a workshop! Didn't have a lot of time in the last week but will schedule this
- They've come a long way in terms of contributing to open source, they're working on more project-technical work (Reach) this week
- @frijol not necessarily able to help with Reach
- Seeed has stocks of T2 ship version, and also a stock of T2s that were updated specifically for Sparkfun stock. They want to know if we want to do anything in particular with that
- Basically, Sparkfun hasn't needed more of them yet but presumably will
- We would like to make the Sparkfun version the canonical version
- @frijol will tell Seeed to not manufacture more of the original T2s and just start selling the Sparkfun version when they run out of that stock
- There appears to be an OEM item listed in My Products in Seeed now, is that the sellable bare board we asked for? @frijol will ask
- @tcr suggests let's do late September or early October
- Where would we do it?
- What are our main goals, how much $ and planning time do we want to budget?
- Are we interested in doing travel funding? Seems like a reasonable thing to do...
- At minimum, let's figure out a time and place that seems reasonable for a core group of people
- New York & Boston are the top contenders
- @tcr make an issue for a welcome page for the website
- @tcr break out a couple of small edits that can be done on the tesselwww repo to see if it is accessible
- @tcr figure out a workshop with RGSoC
- @frijol and @tcr see if there are any conveniently located/timed conferences in the NY/Boston area that we might speak at around Tesselcamp
- @all think about goals for Tesselcamp
- @frijol discuss T2 versions with Seeed
- @frijol ask Seeed about the OEM item in Seeed products
- @tcr try some improvements to SC agenda/notes automation of process