Moderator: @HipsterBrown Notes: @frijol Attending: @tcr @rwaldron
- @tcr has been working through the Rust PR for T2-CLI for the last week, wants to finish out unit tests today + tomorrow. This will let people compile locally via the CLI
- This should unblock Rust for Hacktoberfest contributions too
- Reach: @tcr just started an RFC, wants to get SC feedback and then to post this for discussion to #reach-wg for detailed spec discussion. What pieces do we need, and why?
- @rwaldron has been working on code coverage analysis. Lots to do when a machine tests you :). Some things will "fail" anyway e.g. if/else statements, so it is currently a noisy report. Need to add "ignore" statements where appropriate
- @rwaldron suggests 100% test coverage for a 1.0 of t2-cli
- @tcr we support Yarn as of today (there was a small oddity fixed). Yarn doesn't replace NPM, but a lot of devs are going to switch to it and a lot aren't. Will likely need to take on additional maintenance as it arises, probably very little.
- Judgment call on reimbursing #reach-wg people for ESP boards - we don't want anyone to be held back from contributing b/c of money, but also don't want a blanket reimbursement policy (can get abused). Will play by ear.
- @tcr make a blog post about Rust on tessel (pending CLI merge)
- @all have a look at @tcr's Reach spec tessel/rfcs#4 comment via GH issues
- @tcr suggest changes to RFC format on RFC repo
- @frijol write a baseline initial agenda for working group first meeting
- @HipsterBrown make Hacktoberfest labels on contributor-labeled issues
- @rwaldron public airing of dirty laundry re code test coverage merge by next meeting
- @hipsterbrown Draft/write a Captive Portal RFC. (kicked to next week)
- @hipsterbrown Recruit people for redesign
- @hipsterbrown Add signup for TWIT + slack to website.
- @hipsterbrown Tweet out Hacktoberfest
- @hipsterbrown Next TWIT, include speaking JSConf Asia + more
- @tcr when next TWIT sent, cancel SendInBlue